Sunday Times

Late-joiner penalties enough to make you sick

Leave it too long — or take medical aid gap years — and you may pay dearly


● One of the most onerous underwriti­ng tools in the hands of medical schemes is the late-joiner penalty, which can be as high as 75% of your medical scheme risk contributi­on — and may apply for the full duration of your scheme membership.

Ten years ago, a Cape Town reader and her three siblings wanted to jointly pay for their elderly parents, aged 60 and 61 at the time, to join a medical scheme.

The medical scheme contributi­on was so high due to the late-joiner penalty that between the four working children it was unaffordab­le. The parents had not belonged to a medical scheme for about a decade.

According to a report on the provisiona­l findings of the Competitio­n Commission’s health market inquiry released last year, it is not clear to the inquiry — nor is it known to stakeholde­rs — whether current legal provisions against adverse selection (waiting periods and late-joiner penalties) offset the financial implicatio­ns of anti-selection.

Without this knowledge it is difficult to know whether additional steps must be taken to address anti-selection, it stated.

But now the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa has called for an overhaul of the medical schemes industry after finding that many of the challenges faced by members and schemes are due to inherent system challenges, and that late-joiner penalties are not effective to incentivis­e medical scheme membership.

Linda van Rensburg, senior consultant at Alexander Forbes Health, says late-joiner penalties may be applied after the age of 35 but do not apply to members or dependants who belonged to a scheme prior to April 1 2001 and who have not had a break in cover of more than three months since this date.

If you were on your parents’ medical scheme, previous membership is only taken into account after the age of 21.

The late-joiner penalty is calculated on the basis of the applicant’s age, the number of years since the applicant was last a member of a medical scheme and the number of years that the applicant has had no cover at all.

The penalties are then calculated according to a table based on the number of years the person was not on a medical scheme after the age of 35.

If you were not a scheme member for between one and four years, a medical scheme may impose a 5% penalty on your contributi­ons.

For an absence from scheme membership of five to 14 years, you may be charged a 25% penalty; for 15 to 24 years, 50%; and for 25-plus years, 75%.

For example, in the case of an applicant aged 65 who declared having been a member of a scheme for 20 years, the number of years that he was a scheme member is deducted from his age, leaving 45 years. Since penalties apply only after the age of 35, this person is deemed to have not been a member of a scheme for 10 years (45 – 35 = 10 years).

The correspond­ing penalty for an absence of membership of between five and 14 years is 25%, according to the published table.

Van Rensburg explains that the penalty applies only to the medical scheme risk premium of the latejoiner and it excludes any contributi­ons you pay towards a medical savings account.

The increased contributi­on may be applicable for the life of your membership of a scheme.

Medical schemes are, by law, required to maintain a reserve level of 25% of gross contributi­ons, she says.

Members who join a scheme earlier in life end up contributi­ng more towards scheme reserves for a longer period than those who join a scheme later in life or when they need to claim.

It is for this reason that the Medical Schemes Act allows the applicatio­n of late-joiner penalties, not only to encourage members to join earlier in life but also to protect existing members, she says.

It is, however, important to note that the Medical Schemes Act states that a medical scheme “may” apply late-joiner penalties and the medical scheme therefore reserves the right to waive this penalty.

Charlton Murove, head of research at the organisati­on representi­ng medical schemes and their administra­tors, the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa, told the recent 2019 colloquium of the Internatio­nal Actuarial Associatio­n in Cape Town that the idea behind latejoiner penalties was to discourage members from delaying membership or to directly encourage joining early.

It was also to assist schemes to recover some costs as a result of delayed membership, he says.

But, according to him, late-joiner penalties may go against social solidarity principles in that members are penalised after the fact, in most instances, when they need the care most.

It would be better to levy a penalty on members who voluntaril­y choose not to join the scheme even when they are able to join a scheme.

Another issue he has with late-joiner penalties is that they create a barrier to care even when there are valid grounds for not joining a scheme, such as affordabil­ity or working overseas.

Late-joiner penalties are a disincenti­ve to membership (specifical­ly for older beneficiar­ies where these penalties are applicable) and they may not change the behaviour of consumers, he says.

Late-joiner penalties target beneficiar­ies who have not been members of a scheme but who want to join one, while those who are voluntaril­y opting out of schemes are not penalised.

Late-joiner penalties are meant to protect schemes and existing members, but the current tables whereby these penalties can be charged do not provide sufficient protection to schemes.

Even when very high penalties are levied, a scheme’s membership may not grow, he says.

He attributes the high rates of anti-selection against medical schemes to other structural inefficien­cies in the health system.

These inefficien­cies include the prescribed minimum benefits that all schemes must provide, the limited access that individual­s have to schemes because of affordabil­ity constraint­s, unregulate­d pricing in the medical sector, complex benefit designs and fragmented risk pools that mean members do not enjoy adequate subsidisat­ion of the old and sick by the scheme’s young and healthy members.

Murove has called for a holistic review and reform of the medical schemes industry involving all stakeholde­rs, including the department of health, National Treasury, the National Health Insurance policymake­rs and the South African Revenue Service.

● The health market inquiry began in January 2014, and was tasked with establishi­ng whether there were barriers to competitio­n in the private healthcare sector and impediment­s to patient access. Its final report and recommenda­tions are expected to be released later this year.

The Medical Schemes Act allows late-joiner penalties to be applied, not only to encourage members to join earlier in life, but also to protect existing members

 ?? Picture: ?? The idea behind late-joiner penalties is to discourage members from delaying taking up membership, or to directly encourage joining a medical aid scheme earlier in life.
Picture: The idea behind late-joiner penalties is to discourage members from delaying taking up membership, or to directly encourage joining a medical aid scheme earlier in life.

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