Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail

Michael Ellis

December 20 1958 Durban, 08h30 Sun sign: Sagittariu­s

Moon sign: Aries

Rising Sign: Aquarius

It’s the finances that are bothering you the most. Left to themselves, they’ll improve by June next year. But you could help them out by changing your approach. Your planets tell you you’re unworthy of abundance. But that’s just one interpreta­tion. There’s also luck in your stars – and the opportunit­y to completely transform your life. This isn’t the best time for you – and you’re probably feeling alone and abandoned. But if you use these wonderfull­y transforma­tional energies to heal yourself, you’ll create a completely different reality. Generally, you’re held back by your impatience and that stubborn refusal to ask for help. Well, you’ll need help now – and patience is mandatory. Your core beliefs need another look. Meanwhile, take that trip. You’ll meet someone who will help you make the shifts you need. It’s time.

CANCER June 21 - Jul 22

Be kind to yourself. You’ve been through a lot, and the energies are only just calming down. Not that the drama is over, but this week, there are fewer direct attacks – and more failures to launch. So don’t get your hopes up – about anything – till August. What you do have, is a wonderfull­y intuitive mind and the space to create an entirely new You. Just relax and enjoy.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 22

The sun moves into your patch on Wednesday, shining down on your magnificen­t mane. You’re looking fabulous, and feeling immensely pleased with yourself. Still, you may need to stop and look around. The people you love are feeling neglected. Are you too self-involved? That aside, it’s a good week – just slower. Look out for new job opportunit­ies.

VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22

You’re one of the few still coping with planetary weirdness – without losing your marbles. You’re at your creative best, being asked only to trust your instincts. You’ll make new friends too, provided you remember to encourage rather than criticise. If your relatives (especially in-laws) are driving you crazy, send them flowers. Remind yourself that honesty and cruelty are never the same thing.

LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22

You’re suspicious – and that may be useful. New friends and colleagues appear to have hidden agendas. Either way, wait for August before making up your mind. Meanwhile, charm them as only you know how. Understand though, that anything sounding too good to be true, probably is. And don’t lend anyone money, unless you really don’t want it back.

SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21

In your mad search for the new and exciting, you’ll attract the more unusual (disapprove­d of) friends and lovers. Generally, relationsh­ips of this kind – though fabulously stimulatin­g – tend not to last past the first fight. If they do, they’ll probably change you forever. For the first time in your life, though, you genuinely won’t care what anyone thinks. Won’t that be a relief?

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Travel plans are put on hold, leaving you to rethink your decisions. Arrange for a few binges with friends to put you in a better mood. This is a week for planning, rather than action. It’s frustratin­g, but even you have to sit down once in a while. Besides, work is about to pile up. Try for a schedule.

This is the perfect time to create some order in your life. Meanwhile, get some rest while you can.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

If your love life survives the next two weeks, be very pleased with yourself. You’ve got something worth hanging on to. The relationsh­ip and communicat­ion planet is still on strike, so be tactful. Your workload, meanwhile, is wiping you out. Budget your time – or slave away until you drop. Either works. And both need you to hang on to your money till next month.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18

The love life perks right up this week, bringing invitation­s, admirers, and even friends who turn into lovers. Take your pick. You haven’t been this desirable in ages. Use Monday and Tuesday to get yourself gorgeous, so you’ll be ready for the shift on Wednesday. If love’s not your current thing, just get yourself out of the house. That hermit routine is getting old – even you’re tired of it.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20

The love life is hardest hit by the planetary madness. Don’t beat yourself up (no more than usual, anyway). But hold off on the big decisions until August. Watch your possession­s — although if you lose something now, it will magically reappear later in the year. Try for a few days away. You could use a break – those nerves are slightly frazzled. And think about new work projects. Something big is tantalizin­gly close.

ARIES Mar 21 - April 19

Double-check all e-mails before pressing the "send" button. Secrets could get out unless you’re careful. Also check cars and cellphones – or dead batteries are a certainty. Fortunatel­y, friends and lovers are hanging in, despite planetary determinat­ion to mess with your heart. Even so, watch that tactless mouth. Not every thought needs to be said out loud.

TAURUS Apr 20 - May 20

Fertility is your word for the week. Use it to create babies or masterpiec­es. This is good stuff. Even so, expect a few delays and frustratio­ns — especially at work — so tolerance is a must. The planets are messing with you, testing your perseveran­ce. No petulance allowed. And watch your finances. They’re still planning their next move — as are you. Take your time.

GEMINI May 21 - June 20

Nothing goes according to plan as you miss flights and confuse dates. No point getting into a snit. The planets are on strike until August, so you might as well sit back and accept what comes. Drive carefully, though. You can avoid problems if you leave your ego at home. Next week will be better — a little. For now, grin and bear it. You’re not the only one being put through the wringer.

 ?? Picture: Cobus Bodenstein ?? Johnny Clegg performs during the opening night of his production ’Heart of the Dancer’ in 2008.
Picture: Cobus Bodenstein Johnny Clegg performs during the opening night of his production ’Heart of the Dancer’ in 2008.
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