Sunday Times

Things to stream

- By Tymon Smith

Crazy Rich Asians Showmax

Last year’s sleeper hit full of over-the-top excess and zany characters made a killing at the box office and opened the doors for Asian representa­tion in the mainstream. Is it as good and game-changing as everybody would have you believe or is it all hype and little substance? Decide for yourself.

Skylines Netflix

A contempora­ry German gangster series with a twist, this show focuses on the underworld of Frankfurt and its burgeoning immigrant hip-hop scene. It’s fast paced, dramatic and full of memorable characters and just enough of a twist or two to keep you intrigued.

Goliath Season 3 Amazon Prime Video

Billy Bob Thornton returns as the hero of Amazon’s very watchable legal thriller. He drinks and smokes too much, and doing things by the book is not his style, but Goliath remains a cunning and very canny lawyer whose skills will be tested to the limit this season as he comes up against big companies ruthlessly wrecking the environmen­t. Beau Bridges, Dennis Quaid and Griffin Dunne lend their strong talents to this season but as always it’s Thornton’s show and he revels in it, making it one of peak TV’s most addictive offerings.

The Politician Netflix

Ryan Murphy brings his particular mix of camp and soapy melodramat­ic twists to this story of teenage political ambition. It’s part Wes Anderson’s Rushmore, part Alexander Payne’s Election, with a little bit of the gleeful backstabbi­ng of Drop Dead Gorgeous thrown in for good measure before everything is given a decidedly Murphy spin, which will please the showrunner’s fans but might not necessaril­y garner him too many new ones.

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