Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw


Sep 23 - Oct 22

This is a fabulous week. Not only are you looking fantastic, your energies are pumping and all those tedious health issues are slowly fixing themselves. There’s travel too — if not this week, then certainly this month. Grab every opportunit­y to move even if it’s just for a weekend. Of course, you’ll still have those mad moments when you say dumb things and make stupid moves. But mostly, you’re at your charming best.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Your planets are moving forward at last, bringing back all that confidence and self-esteem you thought you’d lost. You’ve taken your power back from all the idiots who stole it from you — and you’re making new plans. Sure, you’re still a little shaky as you adjust to the new energies. So while you get yourself together, take another look at your finances. Prosperity is on its way.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Here’s an interestin­g experiment: this whole week, practise being honest and direct without offending a single soul. You’ll be greatly rewarded. Your creative powers are at their peak — with brilliant ideas flowing freely. So if it’s money you’re after, now’s the time to go for the jugular. There’s passion here too — with any new relationsh­ips turning into barnburner­s.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Something wonderful is happening to your friendship­s as you find ways to make a small difference in your community. Quiet persistenc­e is what’s needed here. Keep your expectatio­ns to a minimum, though. Disappoint­ments never arise if you’re happy to accept whatever comes. Remember, everyone has their own way of getting the job done. Meanwhile, at work, try for team combinatio­ns.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

It’s clear-out time. There’s too much baggage lying around, and it’s weighing you down. Start by getting rid of old clothes and junk you haven’t used in a while. Then move on to your emotions and do the same. After all, you don’t want ancient clutter to get in the way of this week’s fabulous social opportunit­ies. Friends and romance are waiting. Don’t let them think you’re not interested.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Unresolved leftovers are causing tension at work. But this is not the time to fly off the handle. Deal with the issues at hand, and work on increasing your own productivi­ty. You may feel pressured into making quick decisions. Pay no attention. Rash judgments are exactly what you don’t need. Work on releasing frustratio­ns by redecorati­ng your home. Get some new colours.


Mar 21 - April 19

Throw caution to the wind. Your instincts — for romance, money, self-preservati­on — have returned in spades. In fact, you might even talk yourself into buying a car, or a computer perhaps. And if you’re looking for work, it won’t be long before you find some. There are stirrings of real independen­ce again. You’re ready to take back the reins of your life. And this time, you know you can’t lose. Perfect.


Apr 20 - May 20

It’s your week off, to do as you please. You’re in the perfect state to count your blessings — on fingers and toes. Relish this feeling — and think about it. It will remind you that your “reality” is simply an extension of your perception. Because right now, not even the arrival of the storm troopers could dampen your mood. So how about a trip? Or a fabulous dinner party.


May 21 - June 20

Everything’s going so well, you’re starting to get cocky. Watch that. Ego is the greatest killer of success. Besides, your intuition is working overtime now, so a little quiet time will win you many more points than hours of posturing. Meanwhile, how about a short break? Or at least a workout. You’ll need your strength to cope with a madly busy time ahead.


June 21 - Jul 22

Last month’s unfinished business has come back for a rematch. Think carefully before making your decisions — or you could end up with the short straw again. Work out exactly what you want beforehand — and stick to your script. And remember — you’re allowed to say “no” whenever you like. Financiall­y you might want to think about a new partnershi­p. Well planned, it could bring in the zillions you hoped for.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

You can relax. For now, your focus is on home and family. So leave the career and financial dramas where they are — and buy some flowers for your lounge. The people at home need a reminder that you’re still around — and that you care. When you have some time, look at the career options coming up. This is your moment of preparatio­n. Next year, you’ll be moving up career ladders.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Money’s got your attention. The planets have moved in en masse, adding to your bank balance and sending opportunit­ies to create more. Use this whole month to make those big financial choices. By next month the energies will be tougher, and you’ll be moving much more slowly. Tell everyone clamouring for your attention that you’re making their lives easier.

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