Sunday Times

System measures hourly efficiency to assess sustainabi­lity and quality


● In SA, about 40% of new business ventures fail in their first year, 60% in their second year, and 90% in their first 10 years. This trend cannot be allowed to continue.

Many organisati­ons merely evaluate manufactur­ing primarily on the basis of cost and efficiency, but a performanc­e measure means relatively little until it is compared against a target. Work study techniques can be used to develop these targets, says Barnes Sookdeo, head of the department of operations management at Unisa and Productivi­ty SA Workplace Challenge Programme Expert Committee member.

Organisati­ons need to beat their competitio­n with superior operations using their people, assets and technologi­es to compete more effectivel­y in the marketplac­e.

Sookdeo reports on the use of work study techniques to develop an efficiency reporting system that organisati­ons can use to measure their outputs and subsequent­ly their productivi­ty.

Work study is the systematic examinatio­n of the methods of carrying out activities so as to improve the effective use of resources and to set up standards of performanc­e for the activities being carried out. It consists of two techniques: method study and work measuremen­t, which are used to effect improvemen­ts in organisati­ons. Data collected in the former is analysed using the set procedure of the method study technique, charting all the steps involved in the complete assembly of the item being made.

The work measuremen­t investigat­ion consists of time studies. The recorded data of the time studies are analysed and the standard times for each step of the assembly process are compiled. These standard times are then used to develop an efficiency reporting system. Performanc­e measuremen­t is critical to organisati­onal effectiven­ess and sustainabi­lity. As the old saying goes, what you cannot measure, you cannot manage.

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