Sunday Times

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October 24 1979, Taung, 05h15 Sun sign: Scorpio

Moon sign: Sagittariu­s

Rising sign: Libra

You’ve relied on your looks and charm for too long and now you’re wondering why they’re no longer working. It’s not that you’ve lost your charm; it’s that you’ve moved into a new phase of your life with different lessons to learn. Over the next three years, you’ll probably change most of your life patterns. You’ll reassess your marriage, your job, your finances, your habits. This is a natural part of the process leading you towards a more spiritual, success-oriented lifestyle. You’ll learn to deal with depression, longing and a deep-seated sense of failure. You haven’t failed at anything, but you’re learning that life is a flow of experience­s and, if you want your experience­s to be happier, you need to take charge of their direction. The next few years won’t be easy, but they’ll be fulfilling and enlighteni­ng in a way you’d forgotten you wanted. Best of luck.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Clear your diary. Your lucky star is waiting for you to take the first step. Think about all the romantic faraway places you’ve dreamed of, and pick one. You may find that your fantasies coincide perfectly with an offer that’s being finalised this week. Stay focused on the big picture. The planets think you deserve something good. Be ready to receive.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Finally getting that nose job? Or the chin lift? If you’re keen, it’s the perfect time. But if you’d rather use the energies to transform an already fabulous personalit­y, that’s good too. Either way, the planet of luck and fun moves in on Wednesday, sending you out on new adventures, and lifting the vibes. You could use some lightening up. Those deranged fears have been dragging you down for too long.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Open your mail. Answer your phone. There’s a message in there somewhere that could easily change your life. Even so, there’s no point spending every last cent, creating the right impression just in case. In fact, now would be the perfect time to work on being yourself – while you still remember how. Someone is about to bless you with good fortune. So take your time. And be grateful – for everything.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Poignant memories have been crowding your thoughts for far too long. How about enjoying the moments as they happen? You have a tendency to ignore present delights in favour of past fantasies. Think about how to create magic in the moment. And then share your ideas with loved ones. If there aren’t any, look around. Let yourself be vulnerable for a change. And find what you’re looking for.


Mar 21 - April 19

The career is revving up. No point fretting about the size of the job: one bite at a time is your motto. The point is that you’re about to start working like a pack of dogs, so you’d better design a survival strategy fast. The upside is that dreams are coming true and offers are being made. The trick is to stay alive long enough to claim them.


Apr 20 - May 20

There’s secrecy, romantic intrigue and strange fascinatio­ns in store. Combine those with a sudden need for privacy, and you have an explosive recipe. This isn’t like you at all. So take care. Not everything is under your control, and this week, you could fall right over the edge – losing yourself in a wave of wild fantasies. Decide what you want in advance. The power switch is on now. Approach with caution.


May 21 - June 20

It’s the team thing you’re not good at. So here’s the plan: whatever requires input from more than one person is likely to work best if you keep quiet until everyone has had their say. Then choose your words wisely. ‘You are an idiot’ is not an example of appropriat­e etiquette. In fact, backing down completely might serve you better. The plan is not to score points but to get what you want.


June 21 - Jul 22

Here’s your lesson for the week: live your life with both passion and detachment. Get passionate­ly involved in every moment, but stay detached from the outcome. You are only responsibl­e for what you do – not for how you are seen. OK, lecture over. The planet of romance and beauty has popped in. Buy something that makes you feel loveable. And let yourself be loved.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Your sockets have been charged up and people are more impressed than you realise. Think about business dinners and invitation­s to important places. Or, if you’re bored with the corporate melodrama, how about some romantic intrigue? A secret love affair or exotic business trip with the office caterer is on the cards. Make it a good one, because with your big mouth, you’re bound to be discovered – sooner or later.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Romance is always fun even though it’s not necessaril­y your strong suit. Even so, since you’ve been thinking about moving in a different direction, your actions have become hesitant. Enough of that. Rather do nothing at all than dilly around with someone’s feelings. And while you’re thinking about that, plan something completely unrelated. Attend a workshop. Take charge.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

You need a fresh approach to relationsh­ips. Here are some clues: your opinion is not automatica­lly the correct one; the other person would sometimes like to be acknowledg­ed, and most important, there is absolutely no hurry. In fact, try treating others exactly as you’d like to be treated and you’ll be off to a fabulous start. Now, how about your health? That body needs a rest.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Those last little schemes may have cost more than you had in mind. Fear not. The all-powerful ‘let’s-make-some-money’ energies are beaming down on you, begging you to revisit investment plans with a new and creative eye. So it’s yes to interestin­g investment­s (ask questions first). But an even bigger yes to flexible financial thinking. And if anyone complains, ask them to step aside. You’re doing fine on your own.

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