Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail


April 2 1968, Johannesbu­rg, 15h20 Sun sign: Aries

Moon sign: Gemini

Rising sign: Leo

It hasn’t been an easy couple of years and you’re wondering how much more you have to take. Fear not, by May you’ll be dashing forward into a new cycle brimming with good fortune. Some of the goodies may already have started arriving, so keep a lookout. That aside, you’re wondering whether this is a good time to move or even emigrate — you’ve a restless streak. Your career is fairly flexible, and your natural charm means you can easily find new friends. The love life has always been a problem, but you’ve mastered the art of independen­ce, so there’s no rush there. Even so, your relationsh­ips tend to have a ‘destined’ feel … as if you’re completing unfinished issues. Either way, you’re an extraordin­ary powerhouse, and your list of fantastic achievemen­ts is nowhere near complete. So it’s yes to yet another adventure. Take someone fun along.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

It’s just as well your finances are in reasonable shape because you’ll need your wits about you for other things. The planets are gathering, insisting on resolution­s before they move on. By Thursday, when the full moon arrives, you’ll have made some choices about love and career. Do you need emotional space? Are you switching careers to avoid dealing with your issues?

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

It’s the end of the year, and you’re wondering whether you want to be the same person next year. But this time, your thoughts are amplified by Thursday’s full moon. The energies are telling you to draw a line under the past six months and start again; to finalise, complete and consolidat­e. It’s a lot of pressure for someone who likes to get all the facts first. But trust yourself to make good choices.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Brewing problems reach crisis point, bringing great relief. There’s no better time to get rid of what you no longer need in every aspect of your life. Your energy is up and you’re ready for a challenge. An opportunit­y for travel provides the kind of career expansion you had in mind. Now’s your chance to release the burdens that are no longer yours. Get out there and make some new friends.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

The money dramas lighten up on Thursday. Focus on paying the bills and managing the books. Organisati­on is your key to wealth, so if you can’t manage the details, get someone to do it for you. Plus, no more handouts for hard-luck stories. This week, you’re the hard-luck story. So before Thursday, be kind to yourself. Then watch the finances.


Mar 21 - April 19

You’re in the mood for a fight. Better pull back and take stock. This is the kind of energy that’s looking to impress or stand in the spotlight. But you could wind up doing something bizarre enough to demand apologies. Instead of making waves, how about using that creative surge to improve your position? And it’s a definite yes to that business trip. There’ll be plenty of good company.


Apr 20 - May 20

Hanging on to every cent feels like the right way to go. But it’s not. Remind yourself that money is an energy and it dies when tied down. Energy needs to flow, and generosity is part of that flow. So if you want your money to increase, spend it. Invest some too, if you like – but whatever you do with the greenbacks, remind yourself daily that you deserve the very best and that you will be taken care of. You will, you know.


May 21 - June 20

The goddess of love is breathing down your neck and a new love could quickly become your only love. The only snag is your head’s not in the right place to be completely receptive. So, if you can, avoid impulsive decisions. There are still some ancient problems to resolve before real commitment­s are likely. Get help if you dare.


June 21 - Jul 22

Don’t look so surprised. You knew perfectly well your relationsh­ips were in need of repair. The fact that you choose to ignore them rather than sort them out depends on the mood of the moment. But don’t give up yet. The question is, how much do you care? And are you willing to put in the effort for change? If not, walk away with a happy heart. You’ve done your best. Or have you?


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Love, partnershi­ps, commitment­s, loyalties – your issues for the week. And since your personal planets will be bringing wads of money as a reward, you’ll be in just the right kind of mood to deal with the other stuff. Needless to say, your first instincts will have you manipulati­ng everyone in sight. But when you get over that, you can go back to behaving like a decent human being. Thursday’s full moon offers basic training.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

You’re so sensitive to everyone else’s feelings, you’ve lost touch with your own.

Which means you’re tuning in to the not-so-subtle pressure to take other people’s responsibi­lities off their hands. Stop. Spend some time with the family, rediscover­ing your roots. Then make a list of issues that are yours, and issues that aren’t. Now throw the second list in the fire. There. Better.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

The pressure is on as demands are made that you’re not sure you want to meet. Too late. Your destiny has already been set in motion and you’d be wise to spend some time with yourself, deciding what you really want. Financial limits are evaporatin­g while relationsh­ip dramas increase. Tackle one issue at a time, in order of priority. You always feel much more confident when you’re in charge.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

The voomah’s back and you’re ready to roll. Just as well, because you’re starting a cycle that promises big changes for you. Flaws in your current situation will suddenly become glaring, and you’ll be forced to make some difficult decisions. Avoid confusion by concentrat­ing on your own needs first. When the dust clears, you’ll know what to do. No need to fight for the sake of fighting. Pick your battles with care.

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