Sunday Times

Your Stars

- Want your chart read? E-mail By Linda Shaw


February 10 1990, Pretoria, 11h55 Sun sign: Aquarius

Moon sign: Leo

Rising Sign: Taurus

You’ve been through one of the most difficult times of your life but that’s almost over. For the next two weeks, communicat­ions are troubling. You are stepping into a new phase which will only really make sense in 2021. For now, think about what you really want. You’ve been so busy dodging monsters, you’ve completely lost track of your life. Your heart has been broken and you’ve almost lost faith in the potential for magic. If you can, take a few days for yourself. Remind yourself of your childhood dreams. In a year or two, you may choose to leave the country. But for now, career is taking precedence as you decide how best to use your talents. You’re interested in technology, but you also need money. Find ways to invest online. Or take a few courses till your path is clearer. As of now, you’ll have help. You’re no longer going it alone.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

The communicat­ion planet is still on strike, and it’s feeding you messages of insecurity and fear. Pay no attention. These are not your real beliefs. Slowly, you’re tuning in to greatest asset – your intuition. And you’re discoverin­g, to your amazement, progress can be made in a hundred different ways. Take care of your body. Burnout will make you cranky and unplayable.


Mar 21 - April 19

Confused? Suddenly the world is fuzzy and out of focus. And while you’re struggling to make sense of a seemingly endless pile of obligation­s, money is pouring through your fingers. This is one of those times when comfort zones have let you down – and you have no option but to connect with something larger than yourself. Nothing much can be achieved in this state. And the people you love are getting on your nerves. Take a break. You deserve it.


Apr 20 - May 20

This is not a test. It’s an invitation to a new you – a you who’s cleared out the garbage that no longer serves you. Mostly, it’s the value system that’s in for an overhaul. Use this week’s mad energies to experiment with alternativ­es. The career’s offering an array of new options. Try them all. And this time, don’t make it about money.


May 21 - June 20

Prepare for a few frustratio­ns. One minute you’re boarding a plane to exotic destinatio­ns – and the next, you’re hunting for your luggage in Greenland. Same for marketing, legals, and anything to do with publishing. However, this is not a train smash – simply a glitch in the plans you’ve been making. This will pass, and you’ll still be here … ready for the next adventure.


June 21 - Jul 22

Bubbling undercurre­nts in your psyche are making the world look bleak and frightenin­g. Use the time to examine your fears. And hang in there – because by next week, a completely new energy will bring your strength back. Remember though, others are picking up your brooding power wondering what’s going on. You could try asking for help. But don’t expect too much. They’re all battling as loudly as you are.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

You’ll have to watch your mouth now — or your remarks will backfire. Just remember: communicat­ions are still in dilly mode, so be aware of difficult circumstan­ces. Those unresolved misunderst­andings could damage your reputation, so keep an open mind. And if you’re donating to charities, find out where the money goes. Or wait a while before making any more wonderfull­y grand gestures.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

The planets are still in reverse, so don’t be surprised if relationsh­ips start to totter. For now, instead of hysterical­ly calling lawyers, think about nurturing whatever romance you have left, and biding your time. Job seekers, too, are having a mildly difficult time. So for the time being, agree to that part-time typing job, and wait for the big one. Now concentrat­e on opening the doors to that fabulous creative flow.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Need some friends? Get in touch with folks who supported you in the past. They haven’t forgotten you. Soon, you’ll be able to go it alone again – but for now, take what you can get. While you’re at it, watch the finances. Your judgment is not good, so don’t make any decisions you don’t have to. By the end of next week, you’ll be ready for a whole new understand­ing of success.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

The legal side of your finances could be taking a small beating. Make sure your taxes are in order, and contracts signed – preferably by lawyers. That aside, big money is on its way. So if you’re earning a salary, think of other ways to increase your income. Try investing, or the odd flutter. Can’t go wrong if you trust yourself to do it right. The love life is a mess now. Leave it alone.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

The planets have lost the plot – so any dodgy deals will collapse. If you can, get out now. If it’s too late, call on your team of supporters to haul you out. But whatever happens, don’t be put off the game. Your ideas are superb, and your vision is still way ahead of the others. Have faith and try again – later. If you’re looking for love, hang out with the younger members of your group.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

It’s identity crisis time. You’re wondering why you bother to get out of bed in the morning – and whether your efforts are making a difference. Think of this as a plateau in your developmen­t. Your energy has slowed to a standstill, as the planets ask you to spend time alone. Enjoy it while it lasts. When the energies pick up again, you’ll long for times like this. Meanwhile, keep your money safe. Someone wants what you have.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Take care of your money. In fact, if you have any deals to sign, wait for next week. Now look carefully round the office. There are areas where a little extra effort will pay off almost immediatel­y. Even so, control your ego around the boss. And if you are the boss, refrain from yelling until you’ve checked the facts. In short, shut it until the 10th. Love, amazingly, could be interestin­g.

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