Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail


September 25 1979, PMB, 10h10 Sun sign: Libra

Moon sign: Scorpio

Rising sign: Sagittariu­s

There are so many demons in your head, you’re wondering where to find the light. Accept the situation you’re in. You’re going through a time of transforma­tion, and not all of it is in your control. From early next year, you’ll have a different set of expectatio­ns — and much happier results than you anticipate­d. For now, you’ll need to develop your strengths and find ways to love your own company. Use the extra time to explore your spiritual beliefs. You’re more powerful than you realise and with the right training, you could become the kind of healer who makes a real difference. Fortunatel­y, you have a wonderful way of viewing your world, always expecting the best outcome — and usually getting it. You’re wondering what to do with the rest of your life, but that’s an impossible question to answer. Start with now, and your dreams for the next few months.


Mar 21 - April 19

It’s a memorable time for you – with the world looking on, and everyone passing comments. Pay no attention. The point is, they’re looking – which means you’re interestin­g enough to warrant attention. Thursday’s new moon is demanding new beginnings, while sending intriguing opportunit­ies. Focus on the magic you can create. You’ll be amazed.


Apr 20 - May 20

Troubles at home confuse you as old emotional traumas come for a second look. Just bear in mind that you’re being absurdly oversensit­ive – and make allowances. Meanwhile, you’re still in the market for some real financial luck, so keep your ears open for new opportunit­ies. And no hesitation allowed. If you charge forth with courage, you’ll soon have lots of support.


May 21 - June 20

This is definitely not the time to stalk off in an independen­t huff. You’ll need your friends and family now – however much they may be annoying you. Fortunatel­y you’re at your diplomatic best, so you’ll handle the odd uneasy moment with aplomb. Otherwise, great changes are happening in your social life. It’s almost time to make some important decisions. Be kind to the ones you’re leaving behind.


June 21 - Jul 22

Denial is an expensive state: denial about problems at work or misery in love; denial about the fact that you’ve managed to over-obligate your time and are exhausted. Instead of doing your famous disappeari­ng act, how about facing the issues? You’ll be helped as soon as you take the first step. Thursday brings a new moon – and new beginnings.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

The pace picks up as a surge of optimism washes over you. There’s even a new understand­ing of the value of patience as you order your life into a different time and space. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for investors, prepare your speeches now. Others are in the mood to listen. You can get your way now. Make sure you know what you want – in detail.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Not only are you surviving the most intense transforma­tion of your life, but you’re emerging stronger and much more in touch with your true self. Now is the perfect time to invest in yourself. Pay close attention to anyone who’s interested in your talents and expertise. It’s a perfect time to begin planting seeds for your new and exciting future. Trust yourself to make the right moves.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

If you’re going to waste all this wonderful new energy arguing with yourself, you’d better be prepared for the consequenc­es. Which are that nothing will change – and you’ll still be grumpy. So enough of that. Yes, sure, decisions are difficult. So don’t make any. Instead, just act. Do something. Anything. Once you move, you’ll be directed. Thursday’s new moon will start the ball rolling.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Long-standing conditions at home are slowly changing, as you begin to learn something about self-sacrifice. Still, it won’t be long before you realise the changes are for the better. Use your remarkable social skills to help the others through the rough patches. You don’t want to be left with lingering guilt after you’ve moved on. And yes, you will be moving on – sooner or later.

Use the new moon to make new plans.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

There’s a sudden shift — so dramatic you can actually feel it — as your efforts start to pay off. Opportunit­ies and adventures come at you out of the blue. And that’s not all. Thursday’s new moon brings a wild flirtation with someone you meet through friends. In fact, what are you waiting for? Something exciting is happening. This minute.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Having trouble sleeping? Take some time for yourself. No-one is impressed by longer hours at half the pace — so build up your reserves. Your love life could be a source of inspiratio­n too — as long as you watch your mouth. There’s a tendency to say cruel things, and then forget all about them. But the wounded parties don’t forget. So be kind. It’s a winner.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

If there was ever a time to hone your strengths, this is it. And the greatest strength of all is your ability to communicat­e. If you don’t believe that, enrol in a presentati­on or public-speaking course – and find out. But don’t miss the opportunit­y. The only snag for you is about the clash between artistic integrity and financial reward. So get some advice on that one. But don’t let it slow you down.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

That relationsh­ip that seems to have become a contest of wills needs special attention. Use Thursday’s new moon to maximise your charms and tilt the scales in your favour. There’ll be some money coming in too, so beware of a tendency to overspend. And for now, refuse offers to handle other people’s money. You know you’ll just dash off and spend it.

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