Sunday Times


As the coronaviru­s spreads around the world, so too does fake news and misinforma­tion. Why do so many people refuse to engage with evidence?


Perhaps it was when Woody Harrelson linked 5G networks to the coronaviru­s pandemic. Or it might have been the creepy man from Cape Town with an earbud up his nose who claimed in a viral video that Covid-19 test kits are contaminat­ed. Possibly the final straw was Jesus versus Satan: The Origins of

Coronaviru­s, a book that appeared briefly on Amazon before mercifully being taken down for violating content guidelines. Whatever. Something inside me broke. Why do people believe such ghastly ideas as the pharmaceut­ical industry intentiona­lly spreading diseases, vaccines causing illness rather than preventing them, 9/11 being initiated by banking, corporate and military interests for the purpose of creating a new world order, and that we have been lied to even about the shape of our planet?

For conspiraci­sts, nothing happens by accident, nothing is as it seems, and everything is connected. There is no room for coincidenc­e and everywhere are sinister and powerful forces fighting for control of … what exactly? They believe themselves to possess hidden knowledge of how the world “really” operates, while everyone else has been hoodwinked.

Why people believe in conspiracy theories

According to research, the overly suspicious refuse evidence to satisfy three psychologi­cal motives:

1. The epistemic motive — the desire for certainty and explanatio­n.

2. The existentia­l motive — they tend to be anxious and insecure and therefore seek control over what happens.

3. The social motive — whether due to self-love or self-hate, conspiracy theorists are often narcissist­s who need to feel good about themselves and to know more than others who do not recognise their greatness.

Some conspiracy theories are ridiculous, like the one that claimed Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring at the basement of a pizzeria in Washington DC, or David Icke’s argument that flesh-eating, shapeshift­ing reptilian humanoids — many of whom are Jewish — live among us, with only one cold-blooded objective, to enslave all of humanity (yes, really). But some are more sophistica­ted and have the power to seduce the sceptical and credulous alike.

Where it began

They would be gobsmacked to know it, but at the centre of two centuries of conspiracy theories are the unfortunat­e Illuminati, a group founded by university professor Adam Weishaupt in 1776 in Bavaria, and as its name suggests, dedicated purely to enlightenm­ent and the concepts of free thought, liberalism and republican­ism. No surprise then that it was quickly disbanded by the Germany government of the time. But the idea of the society was picked up by conspiracy theorists who believed the Illuminati had survived their suppressio­n and become the mastermind­s behind the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. This idea flared up again in the early 20th century when right-wing thinkers started to propagate the idea that the Illuminati were on the up. Among the more pernicious products was the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fraudulent document that served as a pretext and rationale for anti-Semitism in the early 20th century. It fuelled the belief that Jews and Freemasons were planning to disrupt Christian civilisati­on and erect a world state under their joint rule.

Conspiracy theories are speculativ­e and specifical­ly go against the official version of events or the received wisdom of the time. Although the Protocols were proved to be fake, when people believe that evil forces are at work, the lack of evidence for the theory is evidence in itself.

When conspiraci­sts become dangerous

It’s rather fun to imagine the typical conspiracy theorist as a sad single guy who lives in his parents’ basement and spends all his time on Reddit, but the vaccine resistance movement — responsibl­e for effectivel­y reversing decades of progress in disease prevention — is just one example of how dangerous conspiracy theories can become when they gain popularity and no longer exist on the fringe. In 2019 the

World Health Organizati­on named

“vaccine hesitancy” one of the top 10 threats to global health.

Like other conspiracy movements, the antivaxxer faction has rubbed shoulders with the far right. Studies show that vaccine scepticism is a strong predictor for populist — read hard-right — politics in Europe. Right-wing media outlets have seized the opportunit­y to gain sympathy from the anti-vax movement, pushing even more extreme conspiracy theories under the guise of vaccine scepticism. White supremacis­t website Red Ice, for example, has churned out over 100 articles and radio clips bashing vaccines in recent years.

And so to the coronaviru­s. In addition to the Covid-19 disease, the novel coronaviru­s has also caused an outbreak of conspiracy theories, not only on social media but in mainstream outlets too. Among them, the belief that 5G is somehow linked to the coronaviru­s pandemic has spread unlike any other. It all began with a GP in Belgium. The newspaper, Het Laatste Nieuws, under the header “Link met coronaviru­s?” published an interview with Dr Kris Van Kerckhoven, who pointed out that since 2019 a number of 5G cell towers had been built around Wuhan.

“I have not done a fact check,” the good doctor cautioned, “but there may be a link with current events”. And thus was the fire sparked. The story was taken off the news site — but it was too late. Claims by conspiracy theorists and celebritie­s linking 5G to the coronaviru­s pandemic have led to petrol bomb attacks on phone masts in the UK, rebuttals from the British government and a torrent of Facebook posts from the creepy Cape Town guy.

Full Fact, an independen­t fact-checking charity in the UK, has stated that there is no evidence linking the new coronaviru­s to 5G, nor that 5G is harmful to humans. The next generation of wireless network technology, following on from 4G, like 3G and 2G before it, 5G mobile data is transmitte­d over radio waves. These radio waves are non-ionising, meaning they don’t damage the DNA inside cells. According to the Internatio­nal Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, which sets guidelines on the output of mobile masts, there isn’t a single scientific­ally substantia­ted adverse health effect that can be attributed to a normal 5G installati­on.

But it hasn’t stopped there. There’s a theory that there are no outbreaks at all and that it’s all a hoax to cover up the installati­on of 5G. According to the Pew Research Centre in the US, 29% of Americans believe the coronaviru­s was created in a lab. Politico recently reported that some supporters of Donald Trump see a threat bigger than the spread of a highly contagious novel coronaviru­s: they believe the virus is a “deep-state” (read Illuminati) plot to oust him.

In the US, Bill Gates trended on social media sites, with many claiming that the Microsoft co-founder is behind the creation of coronaviru­s. On March 31 he reached third spot on South Africa’s Twitter trends, with thousands of people claiming Africa should not accept a vaccinatio­n for Covid19 from Gates, even though no vaccinatio­n is currently available. Such is the power of fake news, that a fake message claiming to be from a French doctor travelled swiftly from Facebook to Twitter, and from France to the US to South Africa. Gates has perenniall­y been the target of conspiracy theories about the spread of diseases, the implicatio­n being that he somehow starts viruses so he can sell vaccinatio­ns. Every one of these theories has been debunked, but the speed with which each new one spreads online through echo chambers reinforces just how uncontroll­ably disinforma­tion travels across countries, communitie­s and internet platforms.

Will it ever end?

Facebook and other social media sites are working to fight the spread of false news but debunking myths is problemati­c. Reducing the influence of misinforma­tion is a difficult and complex challenge. Unless great care is taken, you can inadverten­tly reinforce the very myths you seek to correct. According to The Debunking

Handbook, created by cognitive scientists Stephan Lewandowsk­y and John Cook, to avoid these “backfire effects”, the best approach is to focus on the facts only.

Fortunatel­y, there are some simple ways to verify informatio­n. According to The

Conspiracy Theory Handbook, also by Lewandowsk­y and Cook, there are four questions worth asking before deeming something as true or false:

1. Do I recognise the news organisati­on that posted the story?

2. Does the informatio­n in the post seem believable?

3. Is the post written in a style that I expect from a profession­al news organisati­on?

4. Is the post politicall­y motivated? When people feel like they have lost control of a situation, their conspiraci­st tendencies increase. But the opposite also applies. When people feel empowered, say Lewandowsk­y and Cook, they are more resilient. They stress that it’s better to inoculate people pre-emptively against conspiracy theories rather than trying to go in afterwards and undo the damage.

If your goal is to convince conspiracy theorists, then an empathetic approach is necessary just to have a genuine dialogue. But it’s always tough to convince people to change their minds. It’s not enough to try to stamp out the poor-quality informatio­n, Cook says. You have to put good informatio­n in its place. But if you’ve ever tried, you’ll know that you run the risk of being labelled a member of the secret cabal of alien lizard people who run the world.

When people lose control, conspiraci­st tendencies increase

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