Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw


April 16 1978, Joburg, 06h00 Sun sign: Aries Moon sign: Leo Rising sign: Aries

You’ve learnt that you need to be doing more than one thing at a time to sustain your interest. And you’ve discovered that boredom is the most dangerous condition for you — since you will almost always sabotage your own progress to sustain your focus. Now that you’re almost through your mid-life cycle, you’re finding ways to change your life. If you can stay motivated, your finances will improve from July. You career is going through big changes as you find different ways to take charge of your life. The process of transforma­tion has been difficult, but if it came too easily you wouldn’t pay attention. It will take you another two years to get to a place where you feel comfortabl­e, even secure. Until then, you’ll have to work harder than usual and learn more about yourself if you’re hoping to maximise your gifts. You’re on the right track.

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Apr 20 - May 20

Instead of howling your way through the full moon on Thursday, how about a romantic dinner with someone delicious? You can cook. It’ll be good for you. Use the days before that to showcase your seemingly endless talents – any way you can. This month is largely about you taking your power back and understand­ing how much there is of it. Use your gifts wisely.


May 21 - June 20

A career move? Not a bad idea if you’re thinking that way. Spend some time exploring your imaginatio­n. If not outer changes, then inner changes are certainly on the cards. Although if there are decisions to be made, check your values first. Your extraordin­ary instincts will get you through the difficult moments. Whatever happens, trust yourself. This is no time for a crisis of confidence.


June 21 - Jul 22

The competitiv­e drive you deny having is back. Use it, together with your array of talents and powerfully determined morality, to get where you’re going. The problems that come up after Thursday’s full moon will need all your skills and honesty to resolve. You’ll need some support too — so get your relationsh­ips onside. Meanwhile, watch your mouth. It’s in a mood to get mean.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Tension is taking its toll — even on someone as tough as you — and your thinking has become rigid as a result. Running and hiding won’t work as well as you’d hoped. So withdraw for a while to get your head together. But as soon as you’ve done that, it’s back into the fray. So expect trouble. But you can tough it out and triumph as a result — with grounding, planning and focus.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Career demands keep you chained to your desk. Soldier on until Thursday, when new opportunit­ies bring the spark you long for. Financial freedom is close, provided you have the courage to take new steps. Take your mind off that fragile heart. Love is moving at its own pace. Write down a list of love needs and put it away. Now, back to a fantastic career that’s shifting your dreams.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Join up with people who share your interests and your career could take off on a new tangent. It’s time for you to get paid for doing what you love. The years of slog are over, even if it means taking that leap, and finally working for yourself. If you’ve been investing, look out for paybacks after Thursday. As for love, how about a commitment? It’s only your fear holding you back.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Stubbornne­ss is fun as long as there’s someone around to play your game, but it loses its spark when everyone leaves you alone with your determinat­ion. At work, meetings and presentati­ons, generate enthusiasm for your unending brilliance. This is no time to be shy with generosity and compassion. You’re not the only one who likes to win. Be willing to share.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

The family makes demands while the career teeters on its axis. Nothing wrong with that. After all, not even you can cope with all the dramas at once. Here’s the deal: save the weekends for family and write a list of career plans. Read them out loud – expecting them to arrive. Meanwhile, love wanders in and out after Thursday’s full moon. If you’re taken, try for extra romance.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Commitment is on your mind as soulmates call your name. Those already connected, bring romance and music into the bedroom. Those falling apart will probably go the whole way – making space for the new and the fabulous. Whatever happens, an adventure is guaranteed. Jobs are changing as offers take you by surprise and plans shift overnight. And money triumphs.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Whoever told you success comes with stability was wrong. Here’s your chance to toss out any part of your life that no longer works, and make space for something different. Time to dump old baggage. Prepare for wild risks, speculatio­ns and some sensible chats with your lawyers. Here’s the success you’ve been waiting for. Reach out and grab it.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

The energies of mystery and darkness distract you from your life as you pursue fascinatin­g spiritual discoverie­s. You’re looking for renewal. This is just the beginning of an internal transforma­tion that’s unearthing qualities you didn’t know you had. The result is that both career and love choices are being tested. That’s the price of growth. Don’t stop.


Mar 21 - April 19

The hierarchie­s have changed and there are new political systems to be mastered. Remember that whatever you’re unhappy about can always be changed — as long as you choose your friends carefully. The last thing you need is for your motives to be misunderst­ood. So what are your motives? If you want to be in charge, let it be known. If a few minor adjustment­s are all you need, ask nicely. The killers are boredom, procrastin­ation and indecision.

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