Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw @paigen

MANDISA NONTSIKELE­LO January 3 1987, Benoni, 12h30 Sun sign: Capricorn Moon sign: Aquarius Rising sign: Aries

It’s your dark secrets that keep you up at night. You’re a natural leader and a universal warrior, but you’re also blessed with the kind of master energies that keep you honest. Or try to. You’re in the middle of an abundance year now, and you’re wondering what’s happened to all the successes. Firstly, you’ll need a little patience. Secondly, you’ll have to remind yourself to be grateful for every tiny thing that works out the way you wanted it to. You’re the kind of person who wants all or nothing, so you barely notice the little triumphs along the road. Your career is important and this year you’re giving it your full attention. You’ll do well, despite clashes with authority figures along the way. Accept the fact that, until you’re the boss, you’re not the boss. You need to learn to take orders. Politely. Choose your battles; no need to fight them all.

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June 21 - Jul 22

What a week! Anything you’d like? Just ask. The planets are lined up, waiting their turn to adore you, feed you grapes and send in all the best offers. Thursday is the best day of all. The only snag – if there is one – lies in a shortage of courage and self-belief. Ignore that and keep going. Tell yourself you deserve the best of everything and pretty soon, you’ll believe it. Money picks up soon.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Love and money are moving along swimmingly. Offers and invitation­s are plentiful enough to allow for choice. Pay attention and you’ll find ways to expand these fabulous energies. A lotto ticket is a quick and easy place to start. Think of ways to expand your skills and increase your network. Things are going well. Or soon will be. Enjoy.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

That well-known, though carefully concealed, romantic spirit has been re-ignited.

And with that comes a whole new approach to love. Remind yourself to share the pains as well as the triumphs. You may need someone to lean on after a mildly revolting time at work. But then again, work conflicts could have something to do with you. And since you created them, you’d better be the one to uncreate them.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Confused communicat­ion means bumping into an old love and possibly having to reopen old wounds. Ghastly thought, but it has to be done. Although this time it can be done differentl­y. You don’t ever have to beg anyone to love you. Better news is that establishe­d contacts will be more available and more open to unusual offers. Remember to finish the old before starting the new.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Old debts could leave you paralysed in the face of good offers. You’re right not to invest more than you can pay. But ask yourself: how much deadwood are you carrying? How many of your problems are not yours at all? Time to make another plan, and to take a new look at love. You’re finding a different way to relate; more fun and less exhausting. That means total honesty.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

New projects can be started now with virtually guaranteed success. Budgetary details may have to be reworked, but as long as you explain your position clearly and calmly, you’ll have no trouble winning support. Keep your work dramas out of the bedroom. There’s enough friction in the love life. Spend some time alone, and figure out what you want. That’s the best place to start.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Everybody loves you. So much so they might give you awards or even send you flowers. At the very least, you could make time for the people you’ve ducked all year. That absurd fear of rejection has turned you into a hermit. The planets have had enough. The pressure is off at work now, and your love life is still making up its mind. So get out and meet some people.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Tread carefully round the co-workers this week. The planets are almost back on track, but not completely. So, although you won’t see it until later, you’re not getting your point across. In fact, you’re more likely to antagonise than delight. Best say as little as possible and run your new ideas past an unbiased friend. At the same time, prepare for potentiall­y unwanted (amorous) attention.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Fantasy is the mood of the moment, which could be a good or bad thing. If you use it to convince yourself that the world revolves around your needs, the result will be disappoint­ment. But if you use it to find your creative side and to seduce in new and exciting ways, this could be the week for you. Either way, no sitting about waiting for life to happen. Opportunit­ies abound.


Mar 21 - April 19

The planets change direction, leaving you spinning. It’s called a perspectiv­e change and there’s no better way to get a meaningful glimpse at the other half of yourself. Look out for spiritual lessons, and an opportunit­y to make money. The two are never mutually exclusive, so don’t pay any attention to the nay-sayers. Don’t fret about the social phobia. It will pass in time.


Apr 20 - May 20

Your love life is frayed at the edges. Ignore it if you like, or sit around waiting for someone else to fix it. Unless you’d like to view this as a chance to rewrite your relationsh­ips — your way. Stop waiting for someone else to read your mind and work on reading their hearts. Money and business are relatively fine for now. Time to get emotional; maybe even a little vulnerable.


May 21 - June 20

You hate to appear vulnerable, so your signals are defensive The good news is the planets that stole your intellect have come home. You can now trust all the logic as well as the instincts. You’ll find yourself in a hyper-alert universe of your own making. This is not a good reason to start mistrustin­g everyone, but it’s an excellent reason to start trusting yourself. At last.

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