Sunday Times


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Economic and commercial ignorance will be the death of us

The economy cannot begin to recover until the command and control freaks step aside, “Falling off a cliff” (August 16).

We need a government that understand­s that market-friendly policies will lead to investment, jobs and a sound foundation for growth.

Without such fundamenta­l change, SA will collapse into civil unrest, chaos and ruin.

As things stand, the ANC and its corrupt and inept approach are a perfect recipe for finishing us all off.

And, as always, it will be the poor who will suffer the most.

Steve Shepherd, on businessLI­VE

We are dealing with unpreceden­ted levels of unconsciou­s incompeten­ce.

Individual­s with no conception of their own economic and commercial ignorance, nor the slightest understand­ing of the second- and third-order effects of their decisions, are imposing poverty on millions of South Africans.

Mark Lamberti, on businessLI­VE

Show locals some hospitalit­y

The hospitalit­y industry should make it affordable for locals to enjoy their own country. Many of our tourist facilities have targeted internatio­nal travellers, and are priced accordingl­y.

Many South Africans would take advantage of being able to travel at reasonable prices in the country, but restrictiv­e price structures mean they find better value overseas.

Local facilities should address the local market potential and wake up. John Woods, on businessLI­VE

Any recovery in spite of Nedlac

Hilary Joffe’s column, “Pretoria brings fruit salad of ideas to Nedlac search for real meat” (August 16), refers. If it’s capital investment that’s needed, then the most important thing is to go talk to the investors and ask what is required for them to invest.

Otherwise it’s only a wish list. I suspect most serious investors with the big money (both local and foreign) will steer well clear of SA with its toxic business environmen­t.

I also suspect that the quickest way to grow the economy is to remove impediment­s for small and medium business to start operating freely.

Alas, history is against us on both counts, and the ANC has no understand­ing of dealing either with the investment community or small business. If ever our economy does recover and start growing, it will be in spite of Nedlac, not because of it.

Ian Ferguson, on businessLI­VE

Covid caution on house market

I agree with Erwin Rode’s analysis of the South African housing market, “Home sales boom may be shortlived” (August 16).

I am waiting for the full effects of Covid to pull through the economy before I increase my exposure.

MJ Gouws, on businessLI­VE

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