Sunday Times

Your Stars

- Want your chart read? E-mail By Linda Shaw

PATIENCE RADEBE March 10 1966, Joburg, 10h30 Sun sign: Pisces Moon sign: Scorpio Rising sign: Taurus

You’ve always had a gift for making money, but you’re not very good at keeping it. When you try to rescue so many other people, you usually end up feeling abused and a good deal less wealthy. You are in the middle of a prosperous cycle now, so you’re wondering how to ensure your future while you still have some control. Try not to make any big decisions before December or, better still, January. You’re extremely powerful, but you always end up feeling like you’ve been left with all the problems. Perhaps you prefer it that way. At least when you’re in charge, you know what’s going on. Towards the end of 2022, your life will change completely. If you can, learn something new about investment­s and money management. There’ll be some interestin­g offers next month. Trust yourself.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

There could be some disappoint­ments this week. But if you wait, you’ll see the fates are working in your favour. Projects that weren’t properly prepared will fall flat, while those designed for success will take off like rockets. Pay no attention to those trying to stop you. This is your week. Use it to find a new direction. Give yourself permission to be happy.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

The communicat­ion planet joins the god of war on the backward trek! With so many planets moving in reverse, relationsh­ips become confused, especially when they’re in your sign. You’ll have to tune in to your instincts for the next while. Instead of waiting around for the drama to start, decide what you want. Take some action — slowly and carefully.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Hiding your dreams only leads to frustratio­n. Think about taking your love somewhere quiet and romantic. Much as the idea scares you, you both need to connect again. If there is no love, sign up for a course, or make some calls. It’s time to get out of that rut and back to the world. Wednesday’s planetary shifts will eject you from your comfort zone if you don’t do it yourself.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

If you’re looking for work, expand your line of vision. Not everything good is right under your nose. You may discover interests and talents you never knew you had. In fact, that goes for the already-working Capricorns as well. Money is in your space, but carefully disguised. Loving what you do is an essential part of the success deal. Leave the relationsh­ips where they are for now.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Romance is out and passion is in. And an assortment of unexpected evenings is definitely on the cards. So what does it mean? It means married folk had better close their curtains, while marriage plans have almost certainly been put on hold. Meanwhile, a deliciousl­y wicked affair is being conducted. Decide what you want before making any permanent plans.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Letting other people do your thinking for you? All very well, but are they taking the action for you as well? Probably not — in which case, it’s back to you. Money is giving you trouble. The lesson is to appreciate what you have, instead of wasting your energy yearning for what you don’t. Love, meanwhile, is looking good. Relish the moments. Find ways to make them even better.


Mar 21 - April 19

Impulsive enthusiasm is one thing; thoughtles­s egomania is another. Communicat­ion planets are on strike from Wednesday, so you’d be wise to keep quiet for a while. You’re more vulnerable than you realise, so take it slowly. The career is doing its own thing. And love will have more chance of survival if you back away. Less really is more at this stage.


Apr 20 - May 20

Motivation has gone. And you’re sitting in a quiet little rage feeling abused and helpless. Enough. Some internal work is needed. Where have you given away your power? In what way has your lack of courage dragged you where you have no wish to go? Believe it or not, you need to do something physical to distract your mind into changing. How about a game of basketball? Or a really vigorous sports massage? It’ll help.


May 21 - June 20

Decisions made in anger are seldom good ones. And refusing to change your mind out of pride just compounds your problems. Try being an adult on this one. So what if you have to admit you were wrong? Since the arguments are mostly with people who genuinely like you, you’ll be forgiven. Now get back to work, where you’ll probably have to repeat everything. Do it with a smile.


June 21 - Jul 22

Power struggles and fights with lovers are virtually guaranteed. Before you start gathering your weapons, look carefully at your love life. If you’re ready to move on, do it now. If not, you’ll have to watch your mouth carefully. This is a time when stomping out is a real possibilit­y. But a very bad idea. How about spending some time on your own and figuring out what you really want. It’s time.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

You’ll have to keep a closer eye on the bills; the taxes; the investment­s. Just because you have no interest in tedious details doesn’t let you off the hook. Lack of attention could cost you money if you fail to take special care. Watch your health too. It’s liable to let you down when you need it most. The planets are moving in reverse, so there’s no huge rush. Yet.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

You’re trying to be gracious and charming, but basically you’re just bulldozing your way through. Which is fine, in that no-one’s going to push you around this week. But don’t expect to make too many friends either. Strangely, you couldn’t care less. You’re in the mood to test yourself to the limit. Should be fun. Just try to stay alive. And get ready with your apologies.

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