Sunday Times

PPE fraud findings ‘simply garbage’

Fired MEC Masuku slams SIU corruption probe in court fight


● The first casualty of the Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) scandal in Gauteng, former health MEC Bandile Masuku, is fighting back in court, condemning the Special Investigat­ing Unit’s (SIU’s) findings against him as “garbage”.

In a 123-page affidavit submitted in an urgent applicatio­n in the Pretoria high court on Friday, Masuku has gone to court to set aside adverse findings in two letters from the SIU to Gauteng premier David Makhura that formed the basis of the decision to fire him. Masuku said the SIU had ignored material facts; its findings were not backed up by evidence and were based on a lack of understand­ing of the applicable laws.

Masuku’s supporters say he is the victim of a powerful faction in Gauteng that wants to remove Makhura from the position of ANC chair in the next provincial conference.

Masuku and his friend, presidenti­al spokespers­on Khusela Diko, will now have to appear before the party’s disciplina­ry committee for their alleged role in the scandal.

“It’s all about the provincial conference. The move is aimed at eliminatin­g those who are a threat to some of them,” said an ANC leader sympatheti­c to Masuku and Diko.

Makhura had tried to shield Masuku by not appointing a new health MEC while the SIU investigat­ion was under way. However, he was defeated at the ANC provincial executive committee by those pushing for a new MEC to be appointed.

Gauteng government spokespers­on Thabo Masebe said Makhura would abide by the ANC instructio­n to appoint a new MEC.

The disciplina­ry process is expected to start in the coming week and tension is mounting over who should lead it.

At this week’s provincial executive committee meeting, Masuku’s detractors pushed for provincial disciplina­ry chair Ntombi Mekgwe to recuse herself because she had sided with Masuku and Diko during debates.

ANC spokespers­on Bones Modise said party officials would formulate charges tomorrow and decide who will chair the disciplina­ry committee.

Masuku and Diko are implicated in a PPE contract awarded to Royal Bhaca Projects, owned by Diko’s husband, Thandisizw­e. The contract was later cancelled but the SIU said it was then awarded to Royal Bhaca’s “proxy”, Ledla Structural Developmen­t. In recent weeks the SIU told Makhura of its findings and Masuku was fired.

“The painstakin­gly flavoured and flamboyant adjectives contained in the [SIU’s] report were clearly meant to ensure that I unjustifia­bly get propped up and nailed as the proverbial posterboy of Covid-19 related corruption. This I cannot leave unchalleng­ed,” Masuku says in his affidavit.

He says it was the provincial government’s decision — following the national government’s model — to centralise procuremen­t in the department of health. It was not his decision.

Masuku was dealing with the SIU’s finding that hewas “actively involved (in the capacity of co-chairperso­n)” in the decision to make the health department the central pro

curement agent for the whole province.

The SIU said he should have known the department had a long history of negative audits and had been struggling with its supply chain management. “As such the decision to promote or support any proposal for the centralisa­tion [for PPE] made no sense at all and was irrational to say the least.”

The SIU went on to say: “Consequent­ly, the MEC’s support of this proposal may have been for nefarious purposes … to potentiall­y benefit himself, his wife or their friends.”

But Masuku says there is no evidence to back up the claim that he lobbied for centralisa­tion. “The decision was in line with what the national government had done and what other provinces were doing, which was to ensure that the department responsibl­e for health care issues and deals with procuremen­t of PPE.”

He says his department achieved an unqualifie­d audit and there was no basis to doubt that it could handle the procuremen­t.

“I take great exception to the language used by the SIU as it is not supported by any evidence but is simply an allegation plucked out of the air and used for atmosphere, grabbing of headlines and for effect.”

Masuku also says that, in terms of the law, the MEC is not directly involved in procuremen­t. “I, as an executive authority, was never involved in the PPE procuremen­t nor could I have asked to be involved. Any involvemen­t would amount to unlawful interferen­ce with operationa­l matters that do not fall within the ambit of functions performed by an executive authority.”

He says that, as MEC, the “proverbial buck” stops with him, but “compliance with instructio­n notes in procuremen­t is the granular operationa­l detail that does not ordinar

ily fall within the realm of an executive authority”.

And he did not know that Royal Bhaca had tendered for PPE contracts until May, he says. An e-mail to him from former CFO Kabelo Lehloenya on April 1, relied on by the SIU to show that he knew or ought to have known about Royal Bhaca, had been taken out of context, he says.

The e-mail listed the recipients of PPE contracts and included Royal Bhaca. But Masuku said he never even opened the e-mail. “I only saw this e-mail for the first time on 14 August when I was interviewe­d by members of the SIU as I had never opened it prior thereto.”

Masuku says he asked for the list because the Motsepe Foundation had asked for it so the foundation could buy PPE and then donate it to the department. He had asked that the list be forwarded to the foundation and once he knew this was done, he did not need to open the e-mail and in fact did not do so.

“I had no other reason to open the e-mail as I was not involved in SCM [supply chain management] …

“The erstwhile CFO, the chief director, SCM and the head of department were running that process.” He says that when other service providers were appointed, he had not been e-mailed about this.

He had told this to the SIU, but the SIU seemed to have not properly considered his version, he says.

Nor had the SIU investigat­ors who interviewe­d him ever put to himthe allegation by supply chain chief director Thandy Pino that Lehloenya had, when Pino asked her about the appointmen­t of Royal Bhaca, said “the MEC wants his people”.

“I did not instruct the CFO to appoint RBP as that instructio­n would be unlawful, nor did I indicate to anyone for that matter that I wanted my ‘own people’ to be appointed.”

Once concerns about irregulari­ties had been brought to his attention on April 7, within two weeks he initiated an investigat­ion, he says. “Thus before the matter was in the public eye or was reported on by the media … I … took a decision that an investigat­ion to uncover any wrongdoing had to commence.”

Masuku says the conclusion that he had failed in his oversight role was “a jump” not supported by the law or the facts.

“With respect, if the state is going to uncover corruption there needs to be better investigat­ive work and investigat­ors ought to be familiar with the elementary tenets of the environmen­t that they are investigat­ing. The findings are simply garbage.”

Masebe said the premier would not file a responding affidavit.

 ??  ?? Bandile Masuku
Bandile Masuku
 ??  ?? David Makhura
David Makhura

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