Sunday Times

‘We treat human beings like waste by ignoring or brutalisin­g them’


facility (MRF), built by the city in partnershi­p with investment company New GX Capital. It was intended to process separated recyclable material and create employment for the people of Atteridgev­ille, but on inspection appeared to have been abruptly abandoned, with recyclable material still visible in the machines. In a perfect world, buyback centres should accommodat­e the Bagerezi, not the MRF. Then again, in a perfect world, the city would transport source-separated recyclable waste directly to MRFs and the Bagerezi would become superfluou­s.

Both the empty buyback centre and the nonfunctio­ning MRF examples demonstrat­e the failure of the City of Tshwane to alleviate poverty through job creation in the waste management cycle.

Not all state and municipal bodies are as inept. On August 20, a very efficient Green Scorpions team inspected a private property in the suburb of Eldoraigne, where a group of Bagerezi had been working and living on the vacant land for a number of years. One of the inspectors seemed conflicted about performing her duty and expressed genuine concern about the consequenc­es of the inspection for the Bagerezi. She reaffirmed the consensus that the Bagerezi need a sorting facility where they operate.

Cindy Billson, a former ward councillor for the DA, said that the owner of the property had been fined for “unlawful recycling activities” and ordered in 2019 to clear his property. A founding affidavit against the eviction by Lawyers for Human Rights states that on August 27 2020, the Bagerezi were given notice to relocate to another portion of the same property.

When asked for comment, the City of Tshwane responded: “Please note, the property in question is privately owned.”

A week after the inspection, members of RubiconZA met property owner Eugene Clark to discuss the fate of the indigent community. He said he did not intend to interfere with the Bagerezi, except to ask them to move to another part of the property.

“We’ve got the land on the end there,” he said. “We’re just relocating them.”

“I believe in everybody’s dignity”

Clark, who was legally entitled to remove people from his property, said he would provide the Bagerezi with proper facilities and perhaps solicit sponsorshi­p for containers for the recyclable material. He also said he would consider employing some of them in his businesses. I was present when he said these things.

“I believe in everybody’s dignity,” he said, telling us how he had helped hawkers in Cape Town by providing them with lock-up and toilet facilities.

The resulting optimism from RubiconZA, who facilitate­d the negotiatio­ns for relocation with the Bagerezi, was short-lived. Land surveyors and a newly erected fence confirmed that the allocated relocation area was not part of Clark’s property.

The Bagerezi had nowhere to go, but earth-moving machines had already started aggressive­ly clearing the property. LHR took up their case and informed Clark on September 1 that he could not carry out an eviction without a court order.

On September 8 the earth-clearing machines were within 10mof the Bagerezi shacks. Van der Westhuizen (of RubiconZA) met with Kenny Stuurman, Clark’s representa­tive, and requested that the clearing be stopped until negotiatio­ns were concluded. To no avail. By September 10 the living quarters of the Eldoraigne Bagerezi were being mown down.

A charge of assault

On September 15, Van der Westhuizen laid a charge of assault against a group of men associated with Stuurman. Van der Westhuizen alleged, and three eye-witnesses from the Eldoraigne Bagerezi corroborat­ed, that approximat­ely 15 men assaulted him while he made social media videos of the situation in Eldoraigne. The men forced him to delete the footage.

By September 19, the cleared property resembled an urban refugee camp, treeless and exposed, but the Bagerezi were still there. They remained even when the bushes were set on fire.

An impasse appeared to have developed in Eldoraigne. The owner had complied with the instructio­ns of the city, but the Bagerezi remained in occupation of the empty property. On October 12, still with nowhere to go, the Eldoraigne Bagerezi posted photos and videos on a WhatsApp group of security personnel destroying their shacks, throwing their belongings over the fence and harassing them.

On October 13, the situation erupted violently when security personnel started burning the plastic recyclable material collected by the Bagerezi, the means by which they feed themselves. Cars were burnt in retaliatio­n and a number of the Bagerezi were arrested.

I was there to observe this. Because of my associatio­n with Van der Westhuizen and RubiconZA — who have been blamed for the continued presence of the Bagerezi — I was attacked by local residents and security guards who relieved me of my phone and camera. After receiving medical treatment, I too laid a charge of assault.

No sign of upliftment

At the time of writing, the Bagerezi group has yet to see any sign of the upliftment Clark promised.

An appeal has been made to the minister of human settlement­s, water & sanitation and on Wednesday October 21 Lawyers for Human Rights submitted an urgent applicatio­n for a court order requiring the property owner to provide the Bagerezi with shelter and financial compensati­on for their losses.

The Eldoraigne Bagerezi have scattered to the winds after being locked out of the Clark property. Some will join other recycling groups. Others will find hidden corners to sleep in suburbs rich in garbage. All will start again, from nothing.

Most rate-paying residents are eager to evict the Bagerezi from their neighbourh­oods wherever they may settle and however long they have been there, but it is the negligent recycling habits of residents and the waste-management incompeten­ce of municipali­ties that have created and enabled this growing suburban subculture.

Deferring the environmen­tal and moral responsibi­lity to the government and recycling companies is hypocritic­al. It does nothing to solve the problems of sustainabl­e waste management and unemployme­nt.

Instead of trying to find mutually beneficial solutions, we treat human beings like waste by either ignoring them or brutalisin­g them. This perpetuate­s an endless cycle of desperatio­n and survival linked to systemic failures that simply recycle the Bagerezi.

Sullivan, an employee of the South African National Defence Force, writes in his private capacity as a volunteer to NGOs working to improve conditions for informal waste recyclers. He conducted this investigat­ion in his own time and did not receive payment for this article

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