Sunday Times

Editor’s Note

- Andrea Nagel

Donald. Trump. Is. Such. A. Prick. What he says is often offensive. The way he says it is offensive and the substance is equally offensive. And yet, to listen to people criticise him is sometimes even worse. Selfrighte­ous, politicall­y correct, hypocritic­al, elitist and condescend­ing, pathetic and worthy ... these are just some of the words that spring to mind.

I think Barack Obama had the right idea. You can just see the ex Prez thinking, “I’m not gonna let this guy get a rise out of me. I won’t let him rile me. No matter what! I just won’t.” Obama is a paragon of self-control and class — two characteri­stics POTUS is sorely missing.

Even when he (sort of) parodied himself alongside Trump impersonat­ors Darrell Hammond and Taran Killam on Saturday Night Live ahead of the 2016 elections (see p10), The Donald was classless, uncharming and unfunny. In fact, the following year Killam said on reflection that he was embarrasse­d to have shared the same stage with the “Moron, who didn’t get the jokes”. Killam admitted that it just felt like a move for ratings from both sides.

Trump may not be naturally funny, but obnoxiousn­ess is one of his super powers — he’s the Primary Obnoxious Toss (of the) United States. And knowing which buttons to push in his critics often brings out the worst in them.

And as for the family members he’s brought into his presidency at one stage or another, Donald Trump Jnr, or COKEDUPOTU­S, Chief Offending Know-It-All Expressing Douchbaggy Utterances Publicly — Of The United States (to borrow from Sharon Levy and Lars Kenseth of the New

York Times); Eric Trump, or SHMOTUS, Second Hated Moron of the United States, and Ivanka Trump or SHITOTUS, Shady Heir in Training Of The United States, they’ve all been fodder for excellent lampooning.

Either way the election goes on November 3, it’s a big talking point at the moment. From the gym to the office to the dinner party, people are voicing their opinions on the outcome.

It’s a tough one to call.

For comments, criticism or praise, please write to nagela@sundaytime­

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