Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail

GARTH CRAMER May 30 1945, Cape Town, 23h55 Sun sign: Gemini Moon sign: Capricorn Rising sign: Pisces

You’re at your most creative as you wonder whether to write a book or create a new adventure. This is one of those times when you literally get to do whatever you want, no matter what anyone says. There’s a large part of you that’s happy to sit at home, watching the world sail past, but your inner adventurer is looking for different kinds of answers. You’ll have to watch your money for a while. There’ll be delays and unexpected costs, but you do like a challenge. And you like to know you’re still needed. Take extra care of your heart for now. You’ll need all your strength for emotional upsets. Unexplored creative instincts are also looking for an outlet. Try different things. You’re more talented than you realise. And you’re in the perfect place to explore your gifts. Meanwhile, you get to change someone’s life.


23 - Oct 22

You’re being nudged into adulthood and because you think you’ve been there for ages, doesn’t mean there aren’t lessons to be learnt. You may have figured out how to handle other people’s lives — but now you get to work on your own. Qualities like fear of change and surrender need attention. Take a step – in any direction. Magical happenings will very quickly knock you sideways.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Depriving yourself of a social life is like depriving yourself of air. So throw some sea salt in your bath, and detox yourself back to life. There’ll be a few dramas as your crawl out of your little hiding place but after Saturday’s blue moon there’ll be goodies too. Work pressure lifts, relationsh­ips transform, and you start to like yourself a whole lot more.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

Neptune is bringing all kinds of confusions about the real meaning of ambition. The trick is to use the energy creatively instead of sliding into fear. Don’t worry. Other planets are rushing to your defence, with Saturday’s powerful blue moon bringing in a blast of luck to shove you back on track. There’s money out there too. Perspectiv­e is the word, so try to keep one. Ask friends for advice whenever you lose track.


Dec 22 - Jan 20

The planet of reprimands and endless hard work is still with you, driving you to exhausted despair — or extraordin­ary success. Still, it’s working with you now instead of against you. You long to give up, finding hundreds of legitimate reasons to do so. But, as they say, the darkest hour is just before dawn. Your chance for success is closer than you think. And you’re tougher than you recall.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

The last surges of transforma­tion are taking you places you never thought you’d go. Mostly inward as you rethink your most cherished beliefs and goals. The planets have shunted sideways, pulling you down interestin­g new pathways. For once you’re happy to go along for the ride, as long as it’s an adventure. Make a list of desires.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

If you’d rather die than ask for help, you might just get your wish. Not that you’ll die, but you’ll find your life grinding to a halt if you’re determined to do it alone. Besides, events beyond your control have forced you out of your own head space. If you can find some trust in that bruised heart, you’ll start seeing results. Watch your health. No point watching your life from the inside of a bedroom. Martyrdom is no fun.


Mar 21 - April 19

If you’re feeling generous, it’s because you are. And if you’re convinced you can persuade anyone to do anything, it’s because you can. With this kind of energy in your corner, you’ll have to remember to use it wisely. Power games are out of the question. If you use these energies well, you can have the time of your life without even trying. Watch your mouth though. It’s babbling again.


Apr 20 - May 20

Money is doing relatively well. But since everyone else appears to have lost theirs, you’d better decide how much you’re willing to share. Not that you’re getting off scott-free. The planets are tossing lightning bolts about with abandon and delight. Nothing to be done except duck, and have a backup plan for when you’re hit. Love is interestin­g too.


May 21 - June 20

Verbal as ever, you’re making friends and exploring new options. Stillness is a foreign concept to you; one you have yet to discover. Meanwhile, the action continues. Any new offers, projects, workshops or opportunit­ies must be seized with both hands. This is your chance to discover your capabiliti­es. No point trying one thing at a time. You were made for variety in all things. Trust yourself — for once.


June 21 - Jul 22

Your own needs — many and varied — are on hold. This is your “good deeds” week, so find a charity or adopt a pet. And with the leftover moments, do something fabulous for the people you love. Relationsh­ips are almost flourishin­g, as you find your voice and develop your tolerance. The world is finally making a little more sense — and you’re beginning to enjoy it just the way it is.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Finding the balance between home and work has almost driven you crazy. You have a few days to figure something out, after which your health takes a dive, forcing you to rest. You’re afraid to love in case it’s not returned — until you understand that love is always returned. With interest. But it doesn’t always come from expected sources.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

The mood improves as fun and creative exploratio­n become your focus. Gone are those black depression­s, replaced by a conviction that you can sail through anything the world throws at you. And so you can. Money is still an issue — either caring for it or finding it. The trick lies in releasing control. Clutching too tightly onto anything only kills its flow. Generosity is your new middle name. Share your gifts.

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