Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw


Oct 23 - Nov 21

You’re not alone. The Force is with you and you’re ready to roll. Just as well, because you’re starting a cycle that promises huge changes. Flaws in your situation will become glaring, and you’ll be forced to make difficult decisions. Avoid confusion by concentrat­ing on your own needs first. When the dust clears, you’ll know what to do. No rush.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

If you’re focused on something big, this is the week to get moving. Friends are backing you, ready to offer whatever it takes. Don’t you dare get distracted by that new love interest. For now, keep a beady eye on the bigger picture. You’re the most important person in your life now. People are counting on you to take the reins. No pressure. Think of this as a great adventure.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Is your heart all over the place? You’re not alone. Besides, for this week unstable emotions are yours to play with. If you’re lucky, you’ll figure out what you really want. And if, by some miracle, you’re behaving properly, you may just manage to hang on to what you have. Be careful. This is not all about you. Other people can be sensitive too. Just treat everyone the way you’d like them to treat you.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

There’s conflict in the air until early next week. Do you politely stand back, or do you find the courage to say what you mean? Sometimes diplomacy is just another word for fear. Perhaps, rather focus on that new offer that’s swept in. Or you could start a mini war. Or you could wait until you know exactly what you want and ask nicely. Tread carefully.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

The disorganis­ation has reached new heights. But you’ve lived most of your life in this state, so you probably haven’t noticed. Never mind. This week is mostly about life and soul stuff. Go ahead and accept the invitation­s, and check that both shoes are the same colour. More importantl­y, get a massage. Try some meditation. Then get ready to make some sense of your life. Soon.


Mar 21 - April 19

Confused? Wondering which way to turn? The trick lies in trusting yourself to know what’s best. You’re changing the way you see yourself, even the way you look. Just in time. Your social life is about to take off like a rocket. The line between love and business blurs as you see your colleagues in a different light. Flexibilit­y is the key. It’s all change now. By next week, it will start to make sense. Explore your options.


Apr 20 - May 20

You’re at your compassion­ate best, and your intuition is pumping. Even you can now trust your instincts and that doesn’t happen often. Importantl­y, money makes sense now. You understand how it works and how to get more of it. And, for once, you’re not working yourself to death in the process. The love life will improve too.


May 21 - June 20

Are you busy beating yourself up for not being perfect in every way? Interestin­g. Because if this version of you was perfect, you would have come into this life as a completely different version of yourself — one you could mould and learn from. No matter. This week is all about love and you decide who gets to be the beneficiar­y. Have some fun.

Play a little. Not a serious week.


June 21 - Jul 22

The career is making fantastic progress. This inevitably means you’re ignoring your personal life, and your family is about to stage a revolution. The trick is to tell people what’s going on. Ask anyone who cares to either give you some space or help you out. The truth is, you’re probably doing all this with them in mind anyway. At least, that’s what you’re telling yourself. That’s fine for now. Success now, love later. Perfect.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

The planets are yanking you in all directions, but you don’t have to go with them. Here’s the deal: Your needs come first. If you haven’t taken care of yourself, you’ll be resentful, tired and no use to anyone. Then take care of colleagues who’ll be helping you. They might even show you ways to bring in more money. Love’s not a priority just yet.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

You learn about yourself through relationsh­ips. This week is all about them — and how you handle anyone who is not you. All our relationsh­ips reflect back at us, showing us what’s working and what we need to work on. You’re starting to see yourself as others see you. Useful. On Saturday, the planets shift, bringing you great financial instincts and new opportunit­ies you weren’t expecting.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

The god of war is dragging out your inner warrior. No more are you prepared to take the heat from anyone. Just as well as there’s a whole bunch of it flying at you now. Make a note of what needs to be done — by you, that is. What other people should be doing is not your business. Start on your list. Take it as slowly or quickly as you like. Nothing much will happen before month-end. Love is fairly hopeless for now.

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