Sunday Times


- WRITE TO: PO BOX 1742, Saxonwold 2132. SMS: 33971 E-MAIL: letters@businessti­ Phuthela Myeni, on BusinessLI­VE

No hope of resurrecti­ng this dead duck and making it fly

There is no experience­d CEO or management team in their right minds who want to or will take on this mess, “Pilots threaten SAA flight plan” (April 11). It’s a dead airline on life support.

The pilots also know this, and that is why they cannot and should not accept these egregious terms and conditions.

Why should they settle for half, and over three years?

The government and minister must accept responsibi­lity for what happened at SAA under their direct watch. Teresa Settas, on BusinessLI­VE

“Business rescue” is just a politicall­y convenient euphemism for this dead duck. It was killed by the cadres some time ago. Time to face reality. Peter Vlietstra, on BusinessLI­VE

Where corruption is the norm

The article “AG calls for civil service shake-up” (Newsmaker, April 11) refers. In a recent newsletter, my local municipali­ty in the Western Cape boasted the fifth clean, unqualifie­d audit report. It praised itself with the statement that the result was a “truly remarkable achievemen­t”.

Er … no, it is not. Only in a South African context can we expect clean local government to be remarkable.

A clean audit simply means that staff are doing their job, as they should.

Jim Findlay, on BusinessLI­VE

Think outside the potato box

If potatoes were grown aeroponica­lly, would that cut costs (combined with renewable energy) and reduce dependency on water, “Have spud farmers had their chips?” (April 11)?

The initial capital costs would be high, but the flexibilit­y that comes with this modern farming method is that you can grow potatoes even in [a city centre]. Additional­ly, considerin­g that we are expecting a surplus, is the use of potatoes for biofuel now feasible?

Finally, I’m surprised we celebrate French fries but have not launched our own brand of slap chips.

 ?? Picture: Supplied ?? Pilots at SAA are on strike over retrenchme­nt terms.
Picture: Supplied Pilots at SAA are on strike over retrenchme­nt terms.

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