Sunday Times

Your Stars SUE-ANN MODIBA April 2 1982, Pretoria, 07h00 Sun sign: Aries Moon sign: Cancer Rising sign: Aries

- Want your chart read? E-mail By Linda Shaw

Life-changing moments are taking you in a new direction. Trust in the process, and go where you’re led. The love life is looking fascinatin­g, as new romances move in to transform the old. Don’t rush into big decisions just yet. Your selfesteem has taken a knock, and you’re wondering if you’ve misunderst­ood the signs. Find someone to talk to. Your career is also going through difficult times and you’re thinking about a transforma­tion. Truthfully, the fewer big changes you make this year, the better. You have two more years to clarify your needs. By then, you’ll have altered so much you’ll hardly recognise yourself. Now might be the time to explore your spiritual beliefs. You need a better understand­ing of your place in the world and your real purpose. Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.


Mar 21 - April 19

You’re feeling more like your old, fabulous self as opportunit­ies for advancemen­t present themselves. A trip to the mountains, perhaps? The chance to develop a new skill? An opportunit­y to display your many talents? The great thing is you’re no longer fussed about the outcome. Whatever the result, your confidence is at a peak, and you’re willing to explore. There’s no better time to succeed.


Apr 20 - May 20

The energies are with you, especially after Tuesday, when your heart gets an extra little jolt. Just because you’re being tested, doesn’t mean there aren’t moments of progress. You’re still rethinking your focus and personal identity, and money issues are more annoying than usual. But this week there are visible ways out of every dilemma. All it takes is the courage to make the moves.


May 21 - June 20

Move slowly through the week. You’re likely to end up with more than you started with. Keep your eyes glued to the cosmic forces. The universe is sending messages, but you need to be paying attention to get them. The upshot could be a change of direction. Tuesday’s planetary shift puts your vulnerabil­ities on display and you might actually be forced to ask for help. Yikes!


June 21 - Jul 22

It’s time to make your home a little safer. Not that you’re in danger, necessaril­y, but your fears are growing into irrational monsters. Make enough changes to calm your nerves and then go out. This is a social week in which interestin­g offers are a must. Life is not a race, it’s a journey — one in which you need to surround yourself with as many fabulous people as possible.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Problems at work are probably due to changing circumstan­ces, where everyone’s feeling insecure. Don’t waste your energy on that. You might encounter stubborn refusals and wild threats, but pay no attention. It’s not up to you to fix their problems. In fact, this is your chance to shine. What you’re doing is taking advantage of an opportunit­y to try something special.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

The love life’s hotting up at last, with swings towards the positively sinful after Tuesday. Do your best to avoid proposing to that person on the bus. Romance is, after all, only supposed to last as long as it lasts. And your sex life is currently as varied as it needs to be. Besides, you have work to do. The finances only pick up next week, so for now slog is required. You know how to cope with that.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Confused about the love life? Remind yourself how demanding — and unrealisti­c — you can be, and think again. Arrange a discussion about needs and wants. Avoid blame. Nothing kills passion faster than a list of accusation­s. If you’re having trouble sleeping, get a massage. The tension is getting to you. The planets are moving, and they insist on you spoiling yourself a little.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Fascinatin­g changes are moving into your social life. Emotions will be disrupted for a while, but good things are coming. There’ll be a yearning for more freedom and different boundaries. If this means letting go of the status quo, do it with generosity and good cheer. Generally, people are on your side. Use the energy to make some changes at work. First let your own wishes be known.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Your wonderful generosity and endless search for excitement have turned spending into an art form — superb for making friends but dicey for the bank balance. Look for cheaper ways to please. Make contact with the family. They need you. At work, there’ll be long-term rewards if you stick to your beliefs. Make sure you know what they are. Pleasing others is not a belief — it’s a behaviour.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

If it’s the job that’s making you miserable, there’s no law against making changes. You have options. An attitude switch might be enough to change your mind. Or a long chat with co-workers, stating your needs and preference­s. Or, yes, a new job. If you opt for the latter, choose slowly. There are prospects out there. Be willing to adapt. Expect the best.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

That desire for success is having interestin­g results — so much so that you’re wondering whether you haven’t overshot the mark. Frankly, you’d be happier with a short break over a huge promotion. Still, if they want you enough, you can build one in. If you’re doing it all yourself, tell yourself you need time to create. The love life is interestin­g, but in need of attention. Let it be known that you’re willing to change. You are, aren’t you?


Feb 19 - Mar 20

There are jobs out there if you want one. Most Pisceans pride themselves on being virtually unemployab­le — in which case, look for interestin­g ways to make it alone. Remember to charge properly; you always forget how much you’re worth. Truthfully, though, you’d much rather be falling in love. Which is fine, if that’s what makes you happy. You can always get back to work next week.

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