Sunday Times

Towards a more humane country


The article by Mike Siluma, “In fighting racism, let’s not forget to affirm we are equal” (April 18) refers. I write to express my appreciati­on for the ideas expressed in the article, as someone who was once chair of the Commission for the Promotion & Protection of Cultural, Religious & Linguistic Communitie­s.

The intention of the crafters of the constituti­on clearly was to bring about a people of SA with new thinking and new attitudes — simply South African people rather than the previously designated “blacks” and “whites”, as if people were their colour and nothing else.

The arduous journey towards harmony will remain urgent because we have emerged from a long, dark and murky past. Our country came to the brink of disaster!

We have to admit that the damage to the infrastruc­ture of souls and minds of all races in our country has been huge, disastrous and enduring. Voting in April 1994 was not — indeed, could not be — a magic wand that could remove by a mark on the ballot paper the residues of oppression that pollute our minds and lives.

We must therefore work very hard to make sure that our project to create a humane, just and caring country does not falter. For this to happen, our government must make sure that all the money collected is used to uplift the poor and destitute, the sacrosanct purpose for which it was collected. Squanderin­g money meant to develop our country and improve the situation for the benefit of all can only exacerbate problems that were created by apartheid.

Rev Dr Wesley Madonda Mabuza

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