Sunday Times

Things to stream

- By Tymon Smith

IF YOU HAVE 2 HOURS Ammonite Apple TV

Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan star in this elegantly crafted, evocative forbidden romance drama set on the coast of England in the 1840s. A well-known, if under-recognised coastal fossil hunter is faced with the unwelcome intrusion of a young woman sent to convalesce at the sea. She soon finds herself inextricab­ly drawn to the newcomer as an intense, allenvelop­ing and ultimately dangerousl­y illicit bond begins to develop between them. Available to buy on Apple TV

IF YOU HAVE 3 HOURS Life in Colour Netflix

Any time is a good time to take a tour of the wonders of nature in the company of its most engaging, breathless­ly awestruck guide, Sir David Attenborou­gh. In the closed-off, locked-down world of Covid19, it’s even more welcome than usual and Attenborou­gh provides plenty of fascinatin­g investigat­ions into the use of colour in nature across these three episodes, to keep you keenly entertaine­d and informed.

IF YOU HAVE 3 HOURS Why Are You Like This? Netflix

A group of cynical, proudly conscious Australian Millennial­s are the focus of this short, sharp, effective and funny comedy. It’s a smart dissection of the contradict­ions at the heart of wokeness that’s mostly on the side of its core trio, but doesn’t shy away from cutting them down to size when they need to be.

IF YOU HAVE + 7 HOURS Skemerdans Showmax

Standard Bank Young Artist Award winner for theatre Amy Jephta takes a solid dive into the world of television drama with this noirish, skillfully executed family drama set in the underbelly of Cape Town. When a selfmade rags to riches nightclub owner is murdered, the secrets, family battles and cut-throat economic pressures he was trying to manage are unleashed.

IF YOU HAVE 8 HOURS Shadow and Bone Netflix

Based on the bestsellin­g series of Grishavers­e novels by Leigh Bardugo, this YA fantasy series delivers satisfying levels of unique worldbuild­ing, fight sequences and just enough interestin­g characters and dedicated performanc­es to make it worth sticking with even if it’s a little slow to get going.

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