Sunday Times

Why persist in failure when solutions exist?

- TONY LEON ✼ Leon is a former leader of the DA and a former ambassador

At the end of May, previously vaccine-starved SA faces a curious paradox: the supply of inoculatio­ns against the deadly coronaviru­s vastly exceeds demand. At least in theory … This strange dilemma is almost entirely explicable because the government, in light of so many demonstrab­le serial botch-ups on this front, insists on centralisi­ng and nationalis­ing the broken appointmen­ts system, which we were assured would be up and working, for seniors, on

May 17. I wonder how many over-60s have actually received the long-awaited SMS advising them of their place and time of appointmen­t for the life-saving jab. I know of two such souls, one in Cape Town and one in

Johannesbu­rg as of midweek.

Of course, from the get-go there were other solutions staring the now discredite­d department of health in the face. Outsource the job to the dreaded private sector, call in the hated medical aids, allow the provinces to conduct their own registrati­on and referral system, even the “enemy” Western Cape. Or allow qualifying people to be vaccinated on a walk-in basis, which is a realistic solution that many have taken anyway.

Perhaps its paladins were too busy sourcing communicat­ions contracts for friends and family — though one current hallmark of this department is its crushing failure to communicat­e with its citizens.

However, there is a larger question behind this omnishambl­es, and it applies across our broken state: why persist on the road of failure when demonstrab­le alternativ­es are available?

It is the sort of question citizens might ask about the Post Office, for example: it cannot deliver letters or a humble package, but it wishes to ban courier and delivery companies which can. We have no money to fund our defence force and its operations but found more than R1bn to finance Cubans to repair and maintain its equipment. The police forensic labs have a backlog of 200,000 unprocesse­d DNA samples from crime scenes, and the same department proposes to ban firearms for selfdefenc­e purposes.

Our public hospitals can’t provide basic equipment for patients, but the state-run Health Profession­s Council of SA wants to seize all the assets of the medical aid schemes to fund National Health Insurance.

On the subject of NHI, the government ploughs ahead with it despite the failures of the pilot projects, and our insolvent national purse is soon to be burdened by an additional charge of either a 31% increase in personal taxes

In the face of disasters, just close your eyes and embrace wilful blindness

or a 63% increase in corporate taxes to fund it.

Public health expert professor Alex van den Heever has written that the NHI “has no equivalent in any setting anywhere in the world … Only a failing health department could generate a proposal like this and take it seriously — let alone expect everyone else to join them in their fantasy.” And he wrote this jeremiad some months before the bad vibrations from Digital Vibes removed the shreds of credibilit­y still attaching to the man at the centre of both the scheme and the corrupt contract, Dr Zweli Mkhize.

Malcolm Gladwell’s new book, The Bomber Mafia, provides fascinatin­g insight into what happens to true believers when their conviction­s are confronted by reality or, as he phrases it, “where everything you believe in is proved false”. His conclusion: “The more you invest in a set of beliefs — the greater the sacrifice you make in the service of that conviction — the more resistant you will be to evidence that suggests that you are mistaken. You don’t give up. You double down.”

So when the private health-care providers and public health experts — who know how to run hospitals and systems — suggest the NHI is fantastica­l in theory and fiscally ruinous in practice, what is the response of those in charge?

According to our “reformist” and “consensus seeking” President Cyril Ramaphosa, “NHI is coming to you whether you like it or not”. And prior to sinking under a tidal wave of sleaze, Mkhize opined that NHI is “one of the best things that ever happened to SA”. Disconfirm­ation of their pet subject is no bar to persisting with it.

Ramaphosa has some form on the matter of doubling down on failure. The ruinous policy of cadre deployment has been on full display at the Zondo commission. It has shuttered and destroyed everything in its grasp: over 700 state-owned companies in varying stages of insolvency and dysfunctio­n, and on the local front it is even worse. According to finance minister Tito Mboweni, 63 municipali­ties are in financial distress, 40 are embroiled in financial and service delivery crises and 102 have

“adopted budgets they cannot finance”.

Yet in his appearance at Zondo, Ramaphosa endorsed the policy of cadre deployment.

The five best-performing municipali­ties are all governed by the opposition DA, which, whatever failings are attributed to it, does not subscribe to the blunt instrument of either cadre deployment or ideologica­l obsessiven­ess when it comes to service delivery.

But why change course? In the face of such disasters, just close your eyes and embrace wilful blindness.

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