Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw


May 21 - June 20

You’re still reverberat­ing to the energies of last week’s power eclipse. Now your own personal planet has taken a short break. This is the perfect time to tune into your wonderful instincts, instead of arguing with everyone who disagrees with you. The love life will be suffering. So work on your patience and tolerance, reminding yourself that not even you are perfect. If people are walking away from you, let them. New friendship­s are on their way.


June 21 - Jul 22

Has someone been breaking promises again? Well, ask yourself how often you’ve failed to meet your own obligation­s lately. And no, there’s no point trying to change them. But if you hold up your end of the bargain, maybe they’ll see you as a role model. The planets are asking you to spend time with yourself, rediscover­ing your inner workings. Try yoga. Or meditation. There’s magic out there if you have the patience to let it in.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Friends are what you need now. They’re the ones who can reach inside you and pull out your potential. For some reason, you aren’t as careful with people you’re not in love with. But then, maybe you’ve never lost a close friend. In short, value your friendship­s. And wait for the light to shine on your creative efforts at work. You’re doing well. There’s money to be made from that inventive surge.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

It’s a stormy time. And it’s going to get stormier for a while. Your first move is to make sure you really want all those things you’ve been hanging on to so tightly. After all, power struggles aren’t your thing. And even if they were, this is the time you’d lose. So pause, rethink, rest and wait for new instructio­ns. Your planets are on the fritz, so a different approach is needed. Get creative.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

It’s true — the world definitely seems overly demanding and pedantic now. And why is it you’re being called upon to perform the kinds of practical tasks you usually manage to avoid? Sure, you’re feeling hemmed in. But if you can relax into these new, discipline­d, well-behaved energies, they’ll do fabulous things for career and money. Meanwhile, you get to work like a dog and, for once, you’ll see visible results. Just keep going.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

That new love interest looks promising, but you’ll need to be more honest with yourself before you’ll get exactly what you want. Are security and a pension scheme what you’re after? Or were you hoping for excitement as a bonus? Look again, and make a vow never to settle for less than you know you’re worth. But then again, a touch of realism wouldn’t go amiss. Very few people can give you everything you want. Stick to the important stuff.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

You may be ready for love, but the attentions of your intended are focused elsewhere. Review your approach. You don’t want to alienate every person you’re trying to impress. Remember, you can’t be in control of everything. Some dramas have to take their own course. Just stay in touch with your dreams – and talk about your feelings. The intellect is on strike for three weeks. Trust your heart instead.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

The emotional rollercoas­ter is back as the social life takes a few peculiar detours. Don’t fret. If you have to let go of your old life for a while, do it with generosity and an enormous smile. People are on your side, and some interestin­g changes are en route. Let the energies take you now. And don’t you dare complain about being lonely. Appreciate the privacy you won’t have for long. Take a course in something you’ve been wanting to learn.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Isn’t it annoying when you try so hard to stick to the straight and narrow that little detours keep popping up from the side streets? Well, you have two choices. You can fight like mad to keep your spot; or you can try something new. Then, if you’re not happy with the result, you can always jump back on the road again. What the heck. The planets are insisting on a new world view. Might as well explore all your options.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

For now, you have two distinct personalit­ies. One is ultra-sensitive, needs moments alone, and is low on drive. And then there’s the other one – the one with informatio­n, leadership skills and things to say. Truth is, both are after the same thing: a better life for all. And they might even manage it if they can subdue that ego for a while. For now, do what you can – and say as little as possible.


Mar 21 - April 19

Calmed down again, have you? Even the love life is looking a little shinier. In fact, the only thing bothering you now is the state of your intellect. For some reason your brain hurts and your mind is incapable of managing an entire sentence. Don’t panic. Focus on the good things. And until you recover — which shouldn’t take longer than three weeks — get ready to repeat yourself. Either that, or employ someone who understand­s sign language.


Apr 20 - May 20

There’s frustratio­n here as everything seems to be grinding to a halt. Don’t fret, though. This is a temporary stall while inner work is happening secretly around you and inside you. Focus on your own progress until the wheels start turning again. In the meantime, there will be loads of romance and entertainm­ent to keep you from getting bored. Dig out your sensual side. And have a ball while you can.

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