Sunday Times




My obsession at the moment is avocado toast, I eat it anytime of the day, from breakfast to dinner as a main meal. I always play with whatever other ingredient­s are in the fridge, with my favourite wheat-free bread being the base.

4 slices of your favourite bread

1 garlic clove

250ml (1 cup) hummus

2 avocados, sliced into 4 roses Juice of ½ lemon

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh herbs of your choice Pickled red onions, optional

1. Toast the bread to your liking, remove from the toaster and rub the garlic clove over the toast.

2. Spread some hummus over each slice of toast.

3. To make the avocado roses, cut the avocado in half and peel it without damaging the fruit. Remove the pip and cut the avo into very thin slices. Carefully separate the slices to create 4 spiral shapes that form a tight rose. Drizzle the roses with lemon juice to keep them green, season with salt and pepper, and set aside.

4. Top each hummus-topped bread with an avo rose, pickled onions and fresh herbs. Serve immediatel­y. meat. I started to experiment with different ways of preparing vegetables and grains and for the first time in my life vegetables became the main act on my plate.

I ate less and less animal protein but whenever the strong craving for meat came, I would eat free-range chicken or Sassi approved fish (Sassi — Southern African Sustainabl­e Seafood Initiative).

The beauty of this lifestyle is a vast improvemen­t in my health — I’m no longer prone to food allergy breakouts, backache, and lethargy. Instead, I feel energised to do the things I love and find I’m more present in my daily life as I’m always mindful of what I eat.

In the beginning of my plant-based lifestyle I struggled with creating appetising meals without the animal protein, from years of conditioni­ng to make the meat the focus and everything around it a sideshow.

During lockdown my new lifestyle choices became the motivation of sharing the many plant-based ideas in a cookbook, Veggielici­ous, due to be released next month. I know it will be the inspiratio­n to others wanting to include tasty plant foods in their daily lives. Along with the cookbook I have created plant-forward dining experience­s and cooking classes for those keen on changing their animal protein-based lifestyles.

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