Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail


September 18 1971, Heilbron, 14h00

Sun sign: Virgo Moon sign: Virgo Rising sign: Aquarius

Control is your thing and when you don’t have it you feel like your world is falling apart. Get used to it. This is your year for surrender and trust. By 2025, your life will have transforme­d completely. But for now, you’re learning to accept and love your life just the way it is. Yes, that’s far more difficult than it sounds, but you have options. For the next two years, the planet of abundance is with you, offering an increase in optimism, money, change, friendship, movement, lovers. You’ll have the chance to decide which parts of your life you’re happy with and which you’re not. Your instincts are telling you to wait and see what happens. But as you’re rapidly discoverin­g, the moment you wait for life to take its own course, you turn into a powerless victim. Generally, this year is asking you to heal yourself and prepare for a different life. How about keeping a diary or writing your life story? You’ll be fascinated by the memories.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

There’s a storm coming; one of those slow, sneaky storms that clobbers you just when you think it’s passed. For now, stick with finances. Check your investment­s and snatch your money away from anyone who looks even the slightest bit dodgy. In fact, for the next few weeks, think of yourself as under surveillan­ce. And stay alert. Whenever you’re asked a question, the best answer — for now — is “definitely not”.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Communicat­ions are on the fritz from tomorrow, which means your instincts are suddenly superb. Best thing to do this week is nothing at all. So if your love life is all over the place, leave it there. And if your career is falling about, stand back and watch. Your expectatio­ns are bigger now, leaning towards community work and group projects. Stay there until mid-October, when your sanity returns. But, for now, rehearse all your speeches before opening your mouth.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

The planets are on stall, and you’re wondering who to bash on the head just to relieve your frustratio­ns. Not one of your better ideas. Besides, this is a gentle week for you — one in which charm and considerat­ion need to be top of your list. Love’s in a heap, jobs are mysterious­ly on hold, and you’re in serious need of a massage. Get one. Get two.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

Fighting over money, are you? Don’t waste your energy. Your career is doing its own peculiar thing and communicat­ions are positively frightenin­g. Remind yourself (hourly) that you deserve only the best and that money comes to you easily. Meanwhile, the planets are sending you home — to family, lovers, children, anyone who needs your attention. Offer it lavishly and with grace. You’ll get lots more back.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

The love life has seldom been weirder. And, quite frankly, you’d rather be stirring (shaking?) martinis on a beach bar than thrashing out your emotional difference­s. Running is good — for a while. But once you’ve figured out what’s really going on in that peculiar head of yours (approximat­ely three weeks), you’ll need to come back and explain. Meanwhile, it’s mindless fun time. Make some notes for that novel.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

If your love life is falling apart, that’s just as it should be. Pray for patience and focus on a fantastic career and burgeoning self-esteem. Your personal profile is on the rise as your secret dreams wake up and knock on your door. And sure, this means less time for a personal life — but, as they say, there’s a season for everything. This is yours for you. Don’t mess it up just because you can’t make sense of the moments.


Mar 21 - April 19

Friendship­s are being tested, while career shake-ups leave you confused about where to run. The fact is, this is a disruptive month, and the best thing is to surrender to the forces. They’re on your side — believe it or not — pushing you to grab the reins yourself. After all, a powerful general is one with the courage to make the tough decisions, even about himself. Remind yourself that every decision is ultimately the right one.


Apr 20 - May 20

You feel it in your fingers; you feel it in your toes. Yup, it’s the planet of love, flying in on a magic carpet and sprinkling stardust all over your heart. If you’re taken, create some romance where you are — or sneak off to remind yourself how it’s done. If you’re available, wear something daring. You’re delicious now. Offer someone a bite. You have cosmic permission to misbehave. So why not?


May 21 - June 20

Your personal planet, Mercury, is on strike for three weeks. Which means, obviously, your career is taking a small pounding — just enough to get you thinking. Are you hanging in because you’re not sure what else to do? Are you stomping out in a huff because your ego is in a twist? Now’s your chance to fine-tune your awareness. Opportunit­ies are hanging in the air. Listen carefully. But only make up your mind in November.


June 21 - Jul 22

Still shaking in your boots, wondering what hit you? Last week’s transforma­tions are still reverberat­ing in your heart, messing with your love life, and leaving you wondering who your real friends are. Calm yourself. This is a powerful month — one of change and re-evaluation. And since you hate making choices of your own, they’re being made for you. Let’s see if you prefer that. Either way, life will begin to make more sense by mid-October.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Drama is what you love — and it’s what you’re going to get. If you’re married, prepare for a long talk about your relationsh­ip. And try actually listening for a change. If you’re single, the fun is about to begin. Warn anyone who comes near you that long-term plans are not on the current agenda. And work? Who cares? You’ll worry about that later. Next month, maybe. Or the month after. Best option? Damage control.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Job changes are likely as the transforma­tion energy hovers over your office. But since Mercury, your planet, is on strike, you’re doubtless getting mixed messages and confused plans. Nothing to worry about just yet. For yourself, plan your diary and organise your office. Sooner or later, the point will come clear. Stay awake, though. You don’t want to miss anything big.

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