Sunday Times


At last! The Aquarian Age is with us, urging each of us to find our uniqueness. There have never been this many opportunit­ies. As of now, we get to explore, expand, succeed and smile. It’s an extraordin­ary time to be alive, writes Linda Shaw



March 21 — April 19

Love: Some years are less about them and more about you. Your year is more about career than love — which is more likely to stay as it is, with a few extra buddies thrown in. You’re having a social life rather than a love life. Either way, all relationsh­ips are challenged under the March 25 and October 2 eclipses. No wild tantrums allowed. You’re experiment­ing. You’re communicat­ing. You’re deciding what you really want. You haven’t thought about that for a while. Money: If there’s one thing that terrifies you, it’s running out of funds. The trick you have yet to master is how to manage what you have, instead of spending every cent before you’ve planned for the next influx.

So, money management is your lesson until May. Take a course if necessary. From August, the money starts rolling in again. But if you haven’t changed your approach, it’ll be rolling right out before you’ve had a chance to count it. The career is flexible to say the least. You’re easily bored and if challenges disappear, you’ll instinctiv­ely create drama until they’re back. Bottom line: the focus is on money and creativity. Be flexible. Try new things. Security is not the point. Not now.

Health: Your problem is that you don’t believe anyone can do anything as well as you can. Which means you have to handle everything on your own. Which means, of course, that you’re a jibbering idiot who last slept a full night when you were in nappies. Enough. You’ll fall over unless you make some changes. Train someone to help you out. Think about changing your image, your diet, your exercise routine and, most of all, the way people see you. If they think you’re invincible, they’ll leave you to cope. But it might be nice to open a few doors. And let people in.

TAURUS April 20 — May 20

Love: Still single? Not for long. But you’ll have to be patient about the Big Moments. Love starts slowly this year, with invitation­s and revived friendship­s you didn’t know you wanted. The water begins to boil around May, steaming its way into late October. If you’re already taken, think about developing the romance at home — and maybe finding a business partner at work. This is one of those years when you refuse to be taken either for a ride or for granted. Look out for foreigners too. You’ll be expanding horizons, experiment­ing with tricks your mother never taught you, and actually getting to wear some of that wild underwear. There’s passion here. Don’t let it go to waste.

Money: Abundance starts slowly but by June something big will be happening. Money comes through real estate, agricultur­e, mining and technology. But the more you make, the more you’ll be spending, particular­ly on children and family projects. The career stays where it is, as you branch out in assorted directions on your own. Keep going. You’ll do really well. The more you believe you deserve, the more you’ll attract. It’s true.

Health: OK, you may have to make the odd lifestyle adjustment. This is one of those years when you’re genuinely interested in the workings of the body and fully in tune with the best road to take. In short, from February to August you’re fine. Better than fine. From September, you can help yourself by taking special care of kidneys, liver, throat and sexual organs. And get some rest. Treat your body as though it was a child who needed extra care. Give it some love. You’re good at that.

GEMINI May 21 — June 20

Love: Typically, friendship has always been more important than romance. Your frenetic lifestyle makes it difficult for you to get involved in anything lasting. Still, romance does flit in and out of your life, mainly because you change your mind every five minutes. And who wouldn’t be excited by someone as mysterious and obviously independen­t as you? You’ve just never had the patience to hang in for the good stuff. Well, those days are over. The planets of discipline and hard work are wagging disapprovi­ng fingers at your heart. This year you get to discover the true meaning of concepts like love, commitment and endurance. And this time there’s no escape. You might even like it.

Money: Finances are looking fantastic, especially after May 26 when the planets make a dramatic move into their prosperity cycle. But with more money comes greater responsibi­lity, so careful how you play with your good fortune. Family and family businesses play a huge part in your success, so stay on good terms with your relatives. Either way, you have excellent judgment and superb instincts. Trust yourself. You’ll end the year wealthier than you started. Health: Wellness is something you’ve had to work at — as that half-dead feeling threatens to leave you on the couch. You’re being helped from May, when the planet of growth and expansion moves in. The instructio­ns are confused though: do you expand your thighs, your exercise routine, or your health knowledge? One thing: detox is your word for the year. Your liver and kidneys need special attention — as in, less alcohol. And yoga will ease that inflexible streak. Otherwise, you’re really well. Be grateful. Gratitude helps everything work better.

CANCER June 21 — July 22

Love: Who said love was easy? From now, your relationsh­ips take on a new and heavier tone. More serious, less carefree, more complicate­d, more restrictiv­e, less immediatel­y rewarding. Thanks very much. Sounds wonderful. There is an upside; it’s just that no-one can remember what it is. You’ll find one though. You always do. Besides, you’ll bite a hole in your tongue before you’ll let anyone see you cry. So, the only person you have to convince is yourself. Start by thinking of everyone in your life as a teacher. And learn.

Money: This is an exciting, but unnerving, time to be a Cancerian. There you were, plodding along, fairly sure of where your next bag of money would be coming from when bang: money landed on your desk. Next thing a trusted client leaves the country only to be replaced by a bigger, better one. There’s no security any more, but there’s still loads of money to be had. Your cool head and spectacula­r communicat­ion skills are your greatest assets. Even so, this is no time to get cocky. After all, there are lessons to be learnt from lack and even greater lessons to be learnt from prosperity. Prepare now to master the latter. It’s your turn.

Health: We’ve got the moon in charge here, which means tuning the more stubborn parts into the rhythms of the cosmos. If you don’t, moodiness and depression are the inevitable and unnecessar­y results. Otherwise, a relatively healthy, if mildly over-sensitive year. Lunar eclipses on March 25 and September 18 bring sudden but temporary glitches. October and December offer rashes and nervous complaints. Try dancing your way through it. Rhythmic stuff — just what your delicate soul needs.

LEO July 23 — August 22

Love: You’re free as a bird and completely independen­t. If you need company, you’ll find some. But for a change you mostly prefer to be alone. You have loads of work to do this year — mostly on yourself. As you grow and change, so do your needs. If you’re keen, March brings a new look at love. Mostly, your heart stays where it is. That aside, you’re expanding your wisdom as you interact with people from different countries and cultures. You’re discoverin­g that love means very different things to different people. And you’re keen to explore it all. Enjoy.

Money: For some reason you can’t fathom, the work is more important than the money. Don’t question it, because as you’ll discover if you like your work, the rewards follow automatica­lly. But there’s something else. Part of your newfound maturity is about managing money rather than just acquiring it. Calculated risks are rewarded, but only as long as you believe you deserve the rewards. This year, the cosmos hears and obeys. If you tell yourself you’re only worthy of basic requiremen­ts, that’s all you’ll get. So watch your thoughts. Focus on success and it will obediently follow you.

Health: Having a physical body is seldom

more than a nuisance for someone as hedonistic as you like to be (be honest). Try thinking of it as the place where your soul has to live — and hopefully flourish. Not easy this year, as the planet of heaviness moves in to teach you a few new lessons. Before September, you get to behave like a lunatic if you wish to. After that, your energy deserts you as your long-suffering body makes its presence felt. Take care of yourself. You know perfectly well how. You just have to actually do it.

VIRGO August 23 — September 22

Love: Expect some dramatic changes. In fact, a transforma­tion from a normal relationsh­ip into a bizarre soap opera is more what you’re looking at. No need to fret. After all, isn’t there that teeny part of you that loves a spot of excitement? Besides, you’re more levelheade­d than you were last year. You’re looking for companions­hip rather than prestige and security. So, yes, your current relationsh­ips could be mildly problemati­c, but it’s up to you to fix them or kick them out. Marriage is unlikely either way. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. No rush. You’re busy falling in love with yourself. Money: Superb. The planet of luck and opportunit­y moves in on May 26, multiplyin­g your bank balance and maximising your adventures. If your career doesn’t already include travel, it soon will. Not that you can expect job security necessaril­y. This year’s eclipses (March, April, September, October) shake up management structures and business regulation­s. But if you stay alert and trust your wonderful instincts, you’ll stay wealthy through it all. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do that.

Health: Of course, maintainin­g Virgo health can become a lifelong obsession. Virgos love talking about health. The discovery of your year is that health is not simply an end in itself. This year, there’s a powerful connection between emotion and health. One affects the other and you hate that because it leaves you feeling out of control. Try writing letters to yourself; taking aromathera­py baths (clary sage, geranium and lavender oils are good); getting some acupunctur­e. In short, find ways to balance your energy. Essentiall­y, you’re strong as an ox — unless you allow yourself to be pulled under the tide of feelings. For once, let yourself experience the feelings without succumbing to them.

LIBRA September 23 — October 22

Love: Relationsh­ips are being tested as you’re being asked to exercise free will. Not as easy as it sounds. You’re so accustomed to trying to please everyone else, you’ve forgotten what you want for yourself. Here’s the deal: if you’re single, the planets will show you why

— leaving you space and time to make the necessary changes. If you’re happily committed (rare for a Libra), keep it up. If you’re unhappily committed, now’s your chance to take a leap into the unknown and create your own special brand of love. Courage is all you need. And a belief in your potential for happiness.

Money: You’ve been letting your career take care of itself. Now it’s handing you back the reins. Fortunatel­y, your financial intuition has never been better and your gift for capitalisi­ng on short-term investment­s is literally jumping up and down. Meanwhile, the planets are indicating a slow, though fairly long-term wealth build-up. Money need never again be a problem unless you make it one. Remember: earnings are volatile and often seem to come at you out of the blue. Don’t worry about that. Just focus on the lessons you’ve already learnt and set about creating a prosperity mindset. You’ve done it for everyone else. Now you get to see your own beliefs in action.

Health: Just because you’re not sick, doesn’t mean you’re necessaril­y well. Since you’re inclined to neglect a body that’s not actually falling over, now might be a good time to see yourself through different eyes. Try acupunctur­e or reflexolog­y to balance your energy. A daily glass of cider vinegar and honey in water helps with the migraines. And a diet of honey, nuts, seeds, beetroot, grapefruit and celery maintains your energy. One thing : you have to do these things more than once — it’s a discipline thing.

SCORPIO October 23 — November 21

Love: There’s nothing that kills romance faster than fear. So, what are you afraid of? The planet of transforma­tion is with you, challengin­g you to redefine your needs. What is love for? Whatever it is, it’s becoming purer and simpler. At the same time, old dramas are knocking at your door. Good stuff. Still, new commitment­s are unlikely. Even old commitment­s will be tested, especially after May. And wicked rendezvous are on the cards before then. In fact, you might use February to explore every sexual fantasy you ever had, so you can move on. The alternativ­e is to let those insane (secret) passions drive you to hurl a book at someone’s head. Not the best plan. Take it slow.

Money: You’ve done well. You’re happy with your achievemen­ts and want a break from the rat race. For now, your interests have moved inward. You want to understand religion, philosophy, spirituali­ty, and you wouldn’t even notice if the stock exchange collapsed in a heap. At times like this the challenge is to be practical enough to stay solvent. But with your personalit­y, you’ll doubtless persuade someone suitably adoring to handle the details while you arrange your pilgrimage to Peru. Nothing wrong with that — as long as you share your discoverie­s on your return. Health: At all costs, guard against depression. Yes, there is something you can do about it. The planet of heaviness is sitting on your heart, bringing up unresolved leftovers. Before it kicks in, have a conscious look at old baggage and toss out anything useless before it takes hold. For the rest, have a regular detox, put salt in your bath and massage neroli, geranium and jasmine oils into your skin at least once a week. A regular facial (guys too) will help you feel more comfortabl­e with your world and the people in it. If you’re taking care of yourself, it’s easier to get people to take care of you.

SAGITTARIU­S November 22 — December 21

Love: Love, passion, romance, intrigue ... Is there anything quite as magnificen­t as the journey of the heart? You should know, your life’s been about little else of late. You’ve probably married, switched sides or taken up with someone unsuitable — and shocked all your friends in the process. As it should be. Between March and October, your sexual vibrations are sizzling and mental compatibil­ity becomes a basic component to relationsh­ip success. By November (latest) you’ll have made yet another choice and will be basking in the glow of mutual adoration.

Money: You’ve passed the tests and survived the stress. The pressure you’ve been under would have crushed a lesser person. From now, you’ll settle for nothing less than adventure with loads of fun. Which could mean a change of job — probably under the lunar eclipse on March 25. One thing: Although you’ll be earning more, you’ll be wanting to spend it faster. That, unfortunat­ely, won’t be possible. There are new rules this year. Whatever you have must be shared. And if there are children involved, their needs must come first. Grin and bear it. By May, you’ll be starting to really like the new you. Health: Your health is taking a minor pounding, which is annoying for a soul who scarcely gives a thought to such dullness. Still, nothing too serious. That heart needs a little more stimulatio­n: how about a small marathon? Admittedly, the energy levels are up and down, and some minor surgery may even be called for. Bottom line: the body needs attention and extra care. For a change. You know how. Don’t pretend you don’t. You read all about it online.

CAPRICORN December 22 — January 19

Love: No matter how you may be trying to convince yourself otherwise, all Capricorns are the marrying kind. But there’s something different about the energies this year. From mid-April onwards, you become the social aggressor. You get out there and take what you want. You find love on every doorstep and if you occasional­ly mistake passion for the real thing, well, you’ll get over it. If you’re already involved, plan for an excitingly volatile few months. If you’re divorced and looking to remarry, make it quick. You’ve got until September. And if you’re living at home, expect fireworks from the folks and stay out of the line of fire. Most importantl­y, smile whenever you remember. The universe responds well to happiness, even if you’re not sure you mean it.

Money: Money always cheers you up. So, prepare to spread an enormous smile across your fabulous face. What you’re looking at now is the beginning of not just a wealthy year but a fantastica­lly wealthy era. Money strolls in without even being asked. You’re living like a jet-setter and pampering yourself as you long to be pampered. Just one small point. If you have a revolting boss, resist the urge to tell him to stick his job. This is your chance to master the art of apparently giving him what he wants while getting what you want as well. And if all else fails and you’re sure you’ve done your best, only then you can tell him to stick his job. But you’ll be much happier with yourself if you manage the situation and smile all the way to the bank.

Health: You always take such good care of yourself (as it should be), that your body flourishes no matter what’s lurking in the winds. This year, however, some cracks appear in your armour and decisions have to be made about how to cope. Before July, expect low energy, imbalance and even a hint of anxiety. Work with body balancing — and a good pair of shoes. From October, you’ll be back to your feisty self. Meanwhile, a spot of discipline is all you really need. And some sleep. Stop taking yourself so seriously.

AQUARIUS January 20 — February 18

Love: For once, you’re actually enjoying the instabilit­y of a love life that doesn’t quite make sense. For a start, you get the freedom and excitement of trying alternativ­e options. And secondly, you discover that the space between lovers is just as delicious as the space within. In other words, you’ve discovered the magic of your own company. An interestin­g snippet is that while Aquarians can be oddly stubborn about most things, in love they are quite the reverse. Sensuality is the flipside of virginity and, for now, it’s flip side up. So take note: love can happen anywhere, any time. Friends are as important as lovers. You are the most important of all. And no decision needs to be made today that can be made tomorrow. Work with that and see how you go.

Money: Strangely, you’re far less focused on career this year than last. Which works to your advantage as money seems to come from a variety of sources, and you’re flexible enough to seize each interestin­g moment. It’s important to stay that way, since you’ll be travelling, changing jobs (especially in March) and generally expanding your options. Either way, money and work won’t be your problem. Instead, they’ll be your source of endless abundance and fun — as long as you refrain from messing things up. Watch and learn. Behave yourself.

Health: Basically, you’re fine. In fact, April, August and December are the only times you need to really watch yourself — and your possession­s — for mishaps or forgetfuln­ess. Try for some occasional rest. That overactive mind has trouble letting go, so avoid stimuli last thing at night. Make time for a relaxing massage every week. You need it. Your diet should include honey, lemon, apples and cheese. And eat calmly. In fact, do everything calmly. You can if you try. Explore new versions of yourself. Get to know every facet.

PISCES February 19 — March 20

Love: Not a focus, but you’ll find yourself up to the eyeballs in other peoples’ lives. A parent (or parent figure) has a marriage crisis and you’re called in to help. You’ve even been roped into the odd wedding. But stay as you are — single or not — and you’ll be perfectly happy. If you are involved, you may feel your relationsh­ips are going backwards. In the unlikely event you are looking for love, get your hair done in August. Otherwise, concentrat­e on taking care of your friends. They miss you. And, if you’re honest, you miss them too.

Money: You’re attempting more so the road is tougher. But for the first time in ages, you genuinely believe you’re capable of bigger things. For you abundance is about all those talents being dragged out of their wrappings and tried on for size. The only thing stopping you now is an absurd fear of failure that turns you back before you’ve even opened the door. Enough of that. This is your year to explore yourself — credit card and all. Keep smiling and no-one will dare say “No” to you. By July, you’ll actually believe you deserve to be a billionair­e. Good for you.

Health: If you think you’re finally going mad, it’s only because you’re allowing yourself to get sucked into all the garbage around you. So stick to happy people. And pay attention to your thoughts. The negative ones sneak into your soul and stay there, causing discomfort. If necessary, find someone to talk to — someone who’ll help you cleanse that battered soul. The body is fine. More or less. In bad moments, include liver, cucumber, almonds and melon in your diet. And take the Water Violet Bach flower remedy. Then when really in doubt, get into a salt bath and stay there till you feel better. It won’t take long.

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