Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? asklindash­

BEVERLEY JANSE VAN VUUREN December 21 1957, East London, 06h20

Sun sign: Sagittariu­s

Moon sign: Sagittariu­s

Rising sign: Capricorn

You’re a wild adventurer with a conservati­ve cover. The question is, which side dominates? What people see is the energetic, funny woman who somehow manages to do the responsibl­e thing, mostly. Your personalit­y and culture tell you how to behave. Your soul, on the other hand, shows you how to feel and to dream. Travel and adventure are a vital part of your life path. Anything less feels like a waste of precious time. Still, you’re torn between what’s expected and what you need. This is a particular­ly creative time for you. You might, on the other hand, get pulled into an emotional commitment this year, one that you’d probably live to regret. But what you need is a purpose that moves and changes with you, and relationsh­ips that are willing to wait until you’re ready. Explain how you feel. They’ll understand. Or not.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18

Have some fun before the career begins to dominate again. There’s spare money to play with. Be generous. Money grows best when it is on the move. Speaking of moves, if you’re thinking of relocating, look further afield than usual. Your soul is keen to breathe different air. And the health? If it is giving you trouble, ask yourself what it is that you’re trying to avoid. And don’t. Your inevitable progress relies on your courage.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

There’s something deeply spiritual happening here, and it’s turning your beliefs on their heads. Excellent. If ever there was a good time for a strange adventure, this would be it. Besides, you won’t be alone. Love is everywhere and all you need do is take your pick. If travel is offered, find a way to make it happen. Your inner self is yearning for a new experience and completely different thoughts. Remember, thoughts become things. Choose good ones.


Mar 21 - April 19

There’s change. There’s drama. There are wild love happenings. And there’s nothing in the way of a fabulous new adventure. Sure, there are some mildly unsettling mood swings (yours) to deal with, but that adds to the fun. For now, your cosmic instructio­ns are to grab every opportunit­y and hang on with your teeth. It’s going to be a bumpy, though fascinatin­g, ride. And you’re the one who is steering.


Apr 20 - May 21

The social life is keeping you a little more amused than is healthy. No matter. This is part of a cycle, like any other. As long as you manage to squeeze in a few work hours, you’ll soon be flying. Either way, luck is with you — the sudden, unexpected kind. And sure, the money may still be troubling you, but not for much longer. For now, enjoy, explore and test yourself in every possible way. The responsibl­e stuff comes later.


May 22 - Jun 20

The tests are there to keep you on your toes. Take your pick. Love, work, money, even faith — all under scrutiny. Not that you’ll mind. Nothing terrifies you more than boredom. Since that’s out of the question, challenge is the next item on your agenda. Start with the career, which offers both growth and clashes with bosses. After work, accept all the invitation­s. There’ll be plenty to keep you occupied.


June 21 - Jul 22

You’re this week’s observer; the calm reasonable one amid a sea of confusion. Just as well your career is giving you a short break. Home and family need you as dramas look to you for solutions. Take note of your responses. The moment you start taking it personally is the moment the home falls apart. And sure, you don’t see why you have to be the only adult. So think of it as your karma. And give yourself brownie points for coping so well.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Watch your health. Stress is getting to you. First step: learn to delegate, and then actually do it. Just because their work isn’t as perfect as yours doesn’t mean it is not fabulous. The transforma­tion planet, meanwhile, is working its magic, pulling you in a hundred directions and offering you a new life. But that, of course, will mean putting down all that ancient baggage. Can you do it?

Start slowly. Be kind to yourself.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Career driving you crazy? Excellent. Think about what you’d truly love to be doing, and start making a few gentle moves. If you’re in an office, expect to be fought with, and do your best not to fight back. The planets are throwing all your career problems in your face, giving you time to repair or transform. Love is hot, passionate and positively sinful. Misbehave all you like. No-one’s looking yet.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Career changes are on the way, if they haven’t already arrived. While you wait, get the paperwork up to date. You know how panicked you get when your life’s in a mess. The love life, meanwhile, is always in a mess. Okay, not always, but certainly now. Remind yourself that you deserve to be loved even though you’re not perfect. Very few people are, you’ll find. So stop looking for something that doesn’t exist. And work on gratitude for what you already have.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Finances are moving swimmingly. If you’re short of money, you’re doing something wrong. Check again. Trust is the key to success. Your faith is being tested, as you rethink all your core beliefs. What is your attitude to abundance, to love, to happiness? Do you believe in your heart you deserve the best? If not, get help. Be willing to change. Success and joy are your birthright.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Money is being reorganise­d as you shuffle your investment­s and transform your portfolio. Haven’t got a portfolio? This is grown-up time. Pay someone you trust for advice. Either way, your career shifts with your money sending new options and a few risks. Don’t make big decisions before February, but explore every option while you have some time. Meanwhile, take a weekend off. You need some alone time.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19

So what if the planets are all over the place? The sun is shining on you, smoothing the bumps and clearing a path. Ask yourself this: is it easier to be miserable? Do you expect pain and anguish? Do you believe there’s no gain without pain? If yes, it’s definitely time to change. The heavy planets have left, and the others are amusing themselves until you get the message. Happiness is a birthright. Try it some time. Laugh for no reason. It’s the best therapy there is.

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