Sunday Times


- BY NOKUBONGA THUSI skinrenewa­


Skin Renewal’s 5-Phase HydraTouch Facial is a non-invasive, multi-layer, medical facial that combines hydraderma­brasion, chemical resurfacin­g, skin tightening and transderma­l mesotherap­y with electropor­ation and photodynam­ic therapy. Together these techniques aim to tighten, resurface and hydrate skin as well as address signs of ageing such as fine lines, puffiness, age spots, mild sagging, dehydratio­n and congestion.


On arrival at the Skin Renewal Waterfall branch, I was greeted by a warm group of staff who guided me through an extensive patient form documentin­g preference­s, skin concerns or health issues to be aware of. The therapist also gave me an outline of what the treatment entails, what each step is for and had me sign a consent form giving her permission to touch me and perform the facial.


The treatment starts off with a two-part deep cleansing of the skin. The first is a standard soapy cleanse to remove dirt and makeup. The second is done by hydra-dermabrasi­on using distilled water dispensed through a suction pen device. The pen is guided over the face using light upward strokes, while the distilled water is pushed through the pen onto the skin and simultaneo­usly suctioned off. It feels cold and slightly scratchy, but is not painful. The therapist also administer­s two chemical peel infusions; the first with AHA and the second with BHA as well as a moisture infusion that uses pure hyaluronic acid to rehydrate the skin. The diluted peels are gentle so no discomfort, flaking or peeling is expected. The therapist then applies a sonar gel to the face and uses an electropor­ation device in conjunctio­n with a hydrating serum to work on the deeper layers of the skin, using a blend of electropor­ation and photodynam­ic therapy. You might doze off at this point as the device feels like a relaxing, cool metal face massager. You may experience a slight tingle at first, similar to ants walking on your face as the device penetrates. Then a skin-tightening device with electrical pulses is utilised. Your muscles may spasm as it goes over facial contours like the brow bone, cheeks and jaw. Lastly, a cold alginate mask is applied, which starts off as a thick liquid and gradually sets into a jelly-like mask on the skin. While the mask set, I was given a neck and shoulder massage. Once set, the mask is removed, revealing drenched, super-soft skin.


This is definitely not your average facial. Although eight to 12 treatments are recommende­d for optimal results, my skin felt noticeably more hydrated, radiant, smoother and refreshed. For the next few days it also felt more supple and hydrated, had a continuous glow and there was no irritation or peeling. 5-Phase HydraTouch Facial 1,695.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Skin feels hydrated, radiant, smoother and refreshed after the Hydra Touch facial, says the writer.
Picture: SUPPLIED Skin feels hydrated, radiant, smoother and refreshed after the Hydra Touch facial, says the writer.

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