Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw

Charlene Bezuidenho­ut

December 30 1958, Cape Town, 5.20am Sun sign: Capricorn

Moon sign: Leo

Rising sign: Capricorn

You’re so ambitious, so determined to take charge and so afraid of losing track that you’re tripping yourself up. The problem with all this Capricorn energy is that, if you’re not getting what you want, you tend to switch off and sink into a slump. For the rest of this year, learn whatever you can. It’s time to expand your skills — and your ideas about your own potential. By next year, you’ll have opportunit­y and money enough to start something that gives you lots more time to yourself. Meanwhile, how about taking a belly-dancing class or learning to sing? Your inner show-off is about to take a mad chance, unless you give her somewhere sane to demonstrat­e her gifts. Most importantl­y, stop worrying about what people think of you. Concentrat­e on what you think of yourself. You’re at that time of your life when you’ll soon start thinking you’re too old. Catch yourself before you get there. Remind yourself how good it feels to laugh for no reason.

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Apr 20 - May 21

This is your week. If the others don’t go along with your plans, go it alone. You are important — a child of the universe — and the world will adapt to you. In fact, for the time being, don’t give anyone else a second thought. They can all take care of themselves for now. Personal pleasure and complete self-indulgence are yours for the plucking. Oh, and carry a crystal — it’ll protect you from the jealousy that’s bound to be forthcomin­g.


May 22 - Jun 20

Enough with the spending spree. Channel any spare cash into some safe investment­s, and use your natural skills to improve the cash flow. If you’re thinking of writing a book or teaching a course, do it now. Your thoughts are racing and for the time being you’re managing to keep one step ahead of the pack. Don’t waste your advantage. And definitely don’t sit around waiting for someone to take the reins for you.


June 21 - Jul 22

It’s true: budget problems are causing frustratin­g delays. So take a careful look at the finances before diving into anything new. Even so, here’s your chance to benefit from someone else’s resources. Explore all offers — after you’ve checked to see how many strings are attached to the deal. At home, focus on the present to figure out what really makes you happy. It’s time for an emotional spring-clean.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Socially, this is one of your more active weeks. Parties and gatherings will prove both useful and entertaini­ng — so say ‘yes’ to any offers. There’ll be some career changes too, as delays are dealt with and bosses find the courage to shift. You, meanwhile, still need to work on your fear of change. Friends and co-workers are helping you out, so keep them close. And congratula­te yourself for each tiny forward movement. Change is hard for you.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Getting the career on track is a powerful focus. But hopefully not so powerful as to put the other areas of your life on hold. This is a new week, and you’ve decided to do things differentl­y. One way is to cram in every moment of excitement you can. Your only task is to enjoy being as creative and successful as your spirit allows. Your planets are finally back on track, so you can trust yourself again.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Here you are, hurtling about trying to help anyone who looks as though they’ve had a raw deal and forgetting to help yourself. Calm down. Much as you would like to, not even you can save the entire planet. So if you’re looking for a worthy cause, pick one and give it your best shot. And for the rest, save your generosity for you and yours. Remind yourself that everyone deserves a timeout. Even you.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Home and family hold your attention as you consciousl­y make more time for the gentler side of life. And take that look off your face. After all, will you, on your deathbed, wish you’d spent more time at the office? Actually, you just might. Still, this week you’re being given the chance to remind yourself that you too are a human being. There are people who’d really love to see you — as soon as you have a moment to spare.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sometimes your star shines silently. But this is a week for sounding off — for holding the floor and expecting to be heard. Go ahead. Enjoy yourself. You’re on a roll — and only the toughest can keep up. But don’t get impatient if you’re not being immediatel­y understood. Some people need time to catch up with you. Meanwhile, keep your temper — and use your charm. That always works. Expect a miracle today.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19

Got a yen to leave town? Actually, it’s more of a determinat­ion to squeeze the most out of every adventure. Beware of a tendency towards excess — in every department. Be on the lookout for a wild new romance — if that’s what you’re looking for. By Tuesday, the planets will be egging you on. Take note, though, of a tendency to be impressed by the superficia­l — only to discover hidden shallows on closer inspection. Take your time with everything.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18

Long-term changes in health and career coming up. And while you’re digesting that, changes in your spiritual direction take you on a new route. Suddenly your dreams and wishes are different. And just to add to your confusion, there’s a break-up with a friend. Strangely, you don’t mind any of it as much as you thought you would. All part of a new adventure, in short. It’s time for a change. Best option? Surrender to the process.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Joint ventures and team efforts need powerful leaders if they’re hoping to make the grade. And that powerful leader is you. And, sure, leadership has never been your favourite thing. But that’s only because you’d rather be messing about with the underlings than taking the rap for something that might go wrong. It’s time to change your thinking. It’s all a matter of applicatio­n. You’re a lot more capable than you realise. Ask anyone who knows you.


Mar 21 - April 19

Here’s your chance to go after what you really want. If you’re bored or unhappy with what you’ve got, open the door to something new. Your finances should be OK by now, so if you’re working on something spectacula­r, think about funding it yourself. Even so, don’t ignore your obligation­s. You have a knack of forgetting the promises you made — and that’s never a good plan. Behave yourself — and get rich!

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