Sunday Times

Trading places


● Italtile has appointed Brandon Wood as its COO and Lamar Booysen as its certified financial fiduciary (CFF) and an executive director.

Wood, who is a chartered accountant, was appointed as CFO in 2013. From 2018, he served as executive director: commercial and supply chain and executive director: retail, before being reappointe­d as CFO in 2020.

Booysen is also a chartered accountant and was appointed as group finance executive in 2023. Before he joined Italtile, he held various senior financial positions in the telecommun­ications industry.

The board said the appointmen­ts were aligned with the group’s long-term succession plan and strategy to enhance depth of management in the business.

Law firm Bowmans has appointed HB Senekal as a partner in its Johannesbu­rg competitio­n practice.

Senekal began his career with the Competitio­n Commission, where he spent eight years before joining ENS. He joins Bowmans after 17 years at ENS, where he was a senior director.

He has a BProc and two LLM degrees (in contract law and mercantile law) from the University of Pretoria.

Bowmans chair and senior partner Ezra Davids said: “We are very proud of our competitio­n practice, which is regarded as a leader on the continent, and believe HB’s skills and experience will enhance those of our existing team.”

Senekal said: “I am thrilled to join Bowmans, which provides me with the opportunit­y to help grow the firm’s competitio­n law footprint across Africa. Bowmans offers outstandin­g opportunit­ies. Its strong reputation for excellence and dedication to making a significan­t impact on the African continent make this a particular­ly exciting move for me.”

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 ?? ?? Lamar Booysen
Lamar Booysen
 ?? ?? Brandon Wood
Brandon Wood

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