Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw

Jane Blackwell, February 3 1945 London, 3.35am

Sun sign: Aquarius

Moon sign: Libra Rising sign: Sagittariu­s

It must have been difficult growing up in a time when women were expected to be obedient. So what did you do? Study? Travel? Save the whales? Shock the family with your madness? Or did you try your best to conform — and spend your time searching for an identity? Can’t have been easy. You’ve reached the stage where you can throw on your purple hat and be whoever you want to be. For you, this is a year of personal growth and spiritual discovery. You’re still fascinatin­g enough to attract attention — and certainly intelligen­t enough to come up with a plan. The snag is that there is still enough of the latent martyr within, to have you believing you don’t deserve to be happy. Here’s your chance to put all baggage down — and set fire to it. This is your moment for a big adventure. Don’t miss it.

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CANCER June 21 - Jul 22

If you’re experiment­ing with your investment­s, expect some good news. And when the goodies arrive say thanks and accept. Make a point of pitching up for every appointmen­t. This is one of those “right place, right time” weeks. But if you’re languishin­g on someone’s couch, the right place is likely to be elsewhere. Decide how many changes you’re willing to make.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 22

New moneymakin­g opportunit­ies are already on their way. And the more important people in your life are keen to join you in any new venture. Think carefully before turning them down. This could be a very good move. The drama at home is simply there to distract you. Pay no attention. It’s time to explore your creative side. Bring out your inner goddess. Yes, guys too.

VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22

Are people remarking how different you look? Do you feel the inner glow of one who’s been to the edge and peered over? Make the most of this. You’ll soon be wanting more. Take care now. Not everyone sees things the way you do. Leadership is part of your life plan. Find some people to mentor.

LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22

If you’re looking for a new love, expect to find it in places that inspire your spiritual side. If you’re already involved, arrange a vacation with the lover, preferably far from home. Think first about what you really want in a relationsh­ip. This could turn into the most romantic time of your life. If all else fails, find ways to fall in love with yourself.

SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21

Letting go of old memories, hideous outfits and ancient thinking is a wonderful way of easing yourself into greater comfort. You’re probably wondering who you really are. This week could bring an offer of help. This is no time for that stubborn independen­ce. Let the planets do their thing with your career. You’ll be thrilled with the results.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

How do you really feel about your career? Is there something you can do to improve your profession­al status? All it takes is a decision followed by purposeful action. You might just want to improve your skills — or emigrate. The planets are with you. Make this week about you. Happiness with yourself is always the first step to success.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19

Relax. Invite everyone over. The workload picks up later in the month. Use this week to make new friends — maybe even fall in love. Don’t lend anyone money, no matter how tragic their story. If you have it to give, do so and forget about it. But don’t let anyone abuse your generous nature. Also, keep your secrets to yourself.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18

How about this for a delightful package? We’ve got travel, new friendship­s and a spark of unexpected romance. If you’re already involved, try seeing your love differentl­y. Trust those instincts. Your health could use an occasional tweak. Be kind to yourself. You’re the most important person in your life.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20

Isn’t it a relief to be around people you can respect? You have mentors and helpers as you learn a little more about yourself. You’re even becoming a mentor for others. Spread yourself carefully. Saturday’s planets swoop in with career news — provided you’re willing to adapt. You don’t always have to be right. The occasional mistake could be the direction finder you’re after.

ARIES Mar 21 - April 19

Just because you’re learning to behave better around finances doesn’t mean you can’t have the occasional splurge. This week’s planets are lifting your bank balance to a new level as your fabulous talents find an appreciati­ve new audience. You don’t have to be perfect to be superb. You just have to be you!

TAURUS Apr 20 - May 21

All you can see is the competitio­n. Look a little closer and you may find the only person you’re competing with is yourself. Look for ways to appreciate yourself more. It always helps to know your enemies, so you can help them move on. Or even change sides. Besides, this week is about fun. Make sure you have some.

GEMINI May 22 - Jun 20

That superbly incisive mind is already buzzing louder and faster than anyone else’s. Focus is all that’s needed now — coupled with a willingnes­s to let the energies flow as they will. Controllin­g the flow will only limit your creative powers. Make decisions about what you want. Your only real problem will be how to choose from so many fantastic options.

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