Sunday Tribune




1The app you can't stop using (and why) It has to be two: For work: ROYAL TS: For managing all my servers & Systems spread across the country and Ubersocial for all my social networking blabs. 2 The game on Facebook you're ashamed of playing? Farmville *Hides in the naughty corner* 3 A website you have to visit every day (plus, whats it about?) Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world Facts, insights and humour. I tend to need motivation everyday especially after going for one for the road at a pub after a heavy day Monday at work and they turn out to be 10 Tequilas, a case of Beer and a dozen of Stroh Rums! Rehab anyone for a poor old IT Geek? 4 The most random request you've ever had online? Oh yeah, that her wish was just to have one

night with me, cuff me and have her way with me! I still get goosebumps just thinking about it – she kinda looks like Alek Wek, without the supermodel body. 5 What the weirdest thing you've been tagged doing? Passed out, boobs showing (topless) J 6 The last tweet you sent/read? I hardly tweet but when I do – “Damned Day! Bells! Yes, no, maybe?” Twitter handle: many_ngcobo

7 The last video you

watched (plus a URL if its not p0rn). Does Debbie does Dallas (Family Edition Count) ;-) hahahahaha­hahahahah ahaha Jokes. m/watch?v=s2oymhhy V1m&feature=fvsr – Mountain Biker gets hit by buck! 8 The scariest thing you've seen on the internet? An Arabian guy being slaughtere­d LIVE with a bloody knife – like a chicken if you will!!! WTF???? 9 The last gadget you bought/were given An ipad connector for my car (Audi A4) – Absolute pleasure to play songs from there. 10 The nerdiest thing about you I cannot dance to save my life and will be on social networking on my Blackberry whilst at a club on the dance floor swaying side to side drunk Facebook’ing or Tweet’ing! And for some reason I pick up chicks there. Is it a nerdy thing?

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