Sunday Tribune

Woman, who art thou?

Having starred in a soap for more than five years, Nthati Moshesh is killing it on SABC 2’s Thola as Dibuseng Makwarela. Buhle Mbonambi spoke to the actress


HEroles of strong women on local TV are not common. The women in our TV shows are almost always the pawns in a bigger chess game. It’s like they are an afterthoug­ht, or heck, the rose between the two thorns caught up in some battle for male supremacy.

But with Thola, on SABC 2, Thursdays at 7.30pm, you find Dibuseng Makwarela, who has gone from being a kept woman, to a woman looking for answers in a huge corruption scheme.

Everything seems stacked against her. She has lost everything, starting with her husband, whose bad choices are the reason she’s going through all of this. Her best friend, who betrayed her by carrying on an affair with her husband. Her mother, who was accustomed to a life of luxury and can now only travel by train.

She’s even lost her own daughter, who lashes out at her for supposedly ruining her life.

Dibuseng has resorted to being a maid, just to find out the truth about her husband and the constructi­on cartel he was involved in. All this while being a mother who provides for and nurtures her children.

As her world turns upside down, her children also have to adapt to a new life, one where their mother is paranoid, jumpy and suspicious of


Watching Nthati on the show is like watching a dormant volcano erupting. It’s as though she has been hungry for a role so complex and so meaty and delivers it with such gusto that you can’t help but be drawn in – you want to help Dibuseng fight her enemies.

I guess it helps that the show is written by another woman, Marina Bekker. She has the sensitivit­ies that are needed for a character like Dibuseng. That strong, yet still sensitive, maternal woman, which Nthati plays with aplomb.

When I finally got hold of Nthati after weeks of trying, she’d just wrapped up shooting her new series, Saints and Sinners, which has recently begun airing. Here’s what she had to say about her role on Thola, how the character has made her think about society, the industry and her dream role.

I think yours has been one of the best performanc­es I’ve seen in local TV this year.

Oh thank you. I suppose if you look at my work, it’s been very dramatic roles for many years. From Home Affairs and Scandal to Thola and now also Saints and Sinners on Mzansi Magic; they are all intense roles.

You just made me think that I’m the go-to actress for dramatic roles. (Laughs). Even in theatre! Oh Buhle! Maybe it’s time I look for a less intense role, no?

In all seriousnes­s though, I really enjoyed telling Dibuseng’s story and it’s great how the feedback has been from viewers and critics too.

Dibuseng goes from pampered society housewife, to paranoid mother, trying to keep it all together. What’s going on in her head?

She’s stressed. But then so are all mothers. It may be an extreme situation, but all mothers are trying to keep it together.

Dibuseng’s life is a lot like many women out there; unemployed and single, with children to look after.

So just because she is a formerly wealthy woman, does class make her struggle different? I don’t think so.

That being said, all Dibuseng wants is answers; answers from her now dead husband, her friends, and the constructi­on cartel that is always a step ahead of her. She would do anything to find out who pushed her husband from the constructi­on site and why everyone she is close to is always in danger.

We’ve seen her go from this glamorous image to an ordinary looking person – how was the change in the character?

I loved it! (Laughs) I’m a natural hair person and that weave was very irritating and hot. I loved going from this glamorous woman who lunches and has an expensive weave, to an everyday woman. You know, this is such an interestin­g question because while I was shooting, I kept thinking how this role has made me look at the life

we live in such a critical way. It’s the simple things really. In our ambition and quest for success, we sometimes lose sight of the simple things in life. We think that material possession­s equal happiness. But what happens when we lose it all?

As much as it’s a tragic time for Dibuseng, it has made her reconnect with her true self and most importantl­y her sister, Dieketseng (Harriet Manamela) whose simple life she comes to respect, especially since it has no drama.

With all her material wealth taken away from her, does anything give her joy? Hope?

I think it’s her search for the truth and her children. Her search for the truth is why she’s so paranoid about everything and weirdly enough, it gives her purpose in life. She wants to find out the truth so she can be set free and go on with her life.

Whether that will actually happen, I don’t know.

Her children are also a big part of her search for the truth. Like her son. He’s always positive when she feels like everything is against her.

She realises that this affects them too because clearly their father wasn’t who they thought he was. She now also has to protect the image of how they saw their father, their hero. Who does she trust? Her sister. She is the only one she can be honest with and she trusts her with her life. From having a strained relationsh­ip, to being virtually best friends in a space of a few weeks, Dibuseng wouldn’t have been able to go on this search for the truth without Dieketseng at her side, looking after her children and trying to keep her sane.

The great thing about working with Harriet is that we have become great friends. It’s funny as we are normally auditionin­g for the same roles and if she doesn’t get it, I do and vice-versa. We even call to tell each other about a role that’s suited for both of us.

You surprised many when you left Scandal.

The thing about being in a soapie is that you play the same character for a long time. You also get comfortabl­e because there’s a steady flow of income, unlike when you are freelancin­g.

I also needed a challenge, to be in a new space and to do new work.

What are your thoughts on the state of TV drama in SA?

Look, it is work. I have this mindset that as long as I have work, I’m happy. The thing is, we are freelance workers and our livelihood depends on getting work on a TV show, theatre and if you are lucky, film. But I think we are on the right track. We are telling edgier stories because the viewer is exposed to so much content out there that we have to improve.

Yet I still believe it lies with the broadcaste­rs. We need funding from the powers that be to make our industry viable. When you look at broadcaste­rs like the BBC, they make sure that they have great content for their viewers, which then ensures that their actors have work all the time. I wish our public broadcaste­r would get into that way of thinking too.

And yes, I understand that it’s cheaper to import foreign shows, but who will tell our stories?

Do you have a dream role that you’d still want to play?

Not really. I just want to keep working. I’m really a working actress. My icons are Judi Dench and Mary Thwala. They are constantly working and I want to be like them. I’m just happy to be working.

Seriously? So there’s no role you’d really want to tackle?

I’d love to be in a comedic role. I’ve done so much drama that I think I’ve proven my abilities as a dramatic actress.

I now wish for a comedic role. Even a bit part, or a cameo.

So can we expect a second season for Thola?

I don’t know. It all depends on the channel really. We shot the first season last year November – nearly a year ago. I really hope we do, because the viewers love this show.

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