Sunday Tribune

Brothers shot ‘after fist fight’


HE HAD just returned from a shooting range when a heated altercatio­n occurred over a parking space that led to two brothers being shot and killed.

Bonginkosi Khanyile, 57, who had taken part in an internatio­nal shooting competitio­n, was arrested in connection with the murder of brothers Ahmed, 25, and Mohamed Vadwa, 31.

He was still wearing a T-shirt from the contest when a dispute arose with the brothers at the Kingsford block of flats situated in Margaret Mncadi Avenue (Victoria Embankment) on Sunday.

He later handed himself over to the police, and gave them his .40-calibre pistol.

Khanyile wore a jacket over the same tattered T-shirt when he appeared before Vanitha Armu in the Durban Magistrate’s Court for his bail applicatio­n on Tuesday.

The owner of a driving school said in his affidavit that he had acted in selfdefenc­e.

Prosecutor Herman Mouton set out what a security guard on duty at Kingsford had told him.

According to the guard, Ahmed and Khanyile had a heated argument that escalated into a fist fight.

Ahmed’s wife, who was present at the time, could not separate the two.

Mohamed got involved and also assaulted Khanyile, Mouton said.

One of the brothers apparently called on the other to fetch a firearm.

When Ahmed moved away, three shots were fired and the brothers were killed.

Mouton did not oppose bail, but asked that Khanyile adhere to certain conditions. Bail was set at R20 000. Mustafa Darsot of the SA Muslim Network said the family was devastated.

Both men had lived at Kingsford. Khanyile also owned a flat in the building.

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