Sunday Tribune

The best place for a bed, how to avoid robberies and advice on love


THE bed in my bedroom is under a beam. In your columns, you always talk about how this is unhealthy. I cannot move my bed around. How can I fix this?

Can you also give me tips on how to avoid robbery and theft at home? AP Vastu is a concept involving the science of energy. We cannot see energy with our naked eyes, but we can realise its applicatio­n in various forms.

The universe is one of nature’s beautiful creations and everything lives only in the light of truth.

Just as every aspect of human nature is governed by rules or regulation­s, nature has certain key principles that ensure the smooth running of all subject to it – in this regard vastu stands for “nature’s law” and ignorance of the law is no excuse.

According to vastu, one should avoid sleeping under a beam as this disturbs sleep. It’s better to change the bed in such a way that while sleeping you are not under a beam.

If you have no choice, cover the beam with a wooden frame. If you are unable to cover it or it is too small, hang two wooden flutes with red thread on either end of the beam.

Vastu to prevent theft:

Houses that do not conform to vastu principles can be more prone to robbery.

The main door and other doors of the house can indicate whether theft will take place – a home owner must take special care of doors.

The location, size and number of doors are important and should be given attention to make your home safe.

Vastu sets out basic principles for home door placement, size and number so there is less or no risk of theft.

Apply Vastu rules to your house to safeguard it from the risk of robbery.

Some basic Vastu home rules include:

Do not place your valuables or cash in the north-west part as it enhances the chances of a robbery.

Do not put your servants in the south-west part of your home as this influences their tendency to commit robbery and pose a threat or danger.

It is preferable to make the entrance or main door bigger than the other doors of the house.

The total number of doors should be an even number – 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 – but avoid 10 doors because this number is inauspicio­us.

Single doors in the east or north are good, while doors in the south are inauspicio­us.

Keep pictures or decorative pieces of sacred symbols such as an ohm or swastika in accordance with your religion.

Ensure the front/main entrance is not obstructed.

Avoid slanted, circular or sliding gates.

Doors should be placed with thought for direction to minimise risk. If any door, especially the main door, is badly sited, the result will be complicati­ons such as robberies, enmity, disease, downfall, a loss of money or offspring.

Do not hang any evil picture at the entrance as this signals destructio­n.

The front gate is a gateway to entry into a new world which brings happiness and life’s riches. Keeping this area tidy is essential, especially in the north-east.

The ideal entrance is north or east because all the positive energies enter from here.

Ensure entrance doors are not congested as this could block the path of energies and undermine happiness.

PLEASE advise on my love life as I am having problems with my current relationsh­ip.

We are happy together and I see a spiritual future for us. But I have been told that a lot of envious people are trying to break us up.

What does the future hold for me with her and

in terms of my finances?

SD The best way to overcome jealousy from others is for you and your partner to visit the temple and pray at least once a week.

Together, follow and observe all spiritual days. This will strengthen your relationsh­ip and keep envious people away from you.

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