Sunday Tribune

We ask prominent Durbanites what their wishes and hopes are for the new year


Documentar­y film-maker, founder of Save Our Berea campaign

If you could change one characteri­stic or habit of a politician in 2016, what would it be?

Do wannabes count? Donald Trump’s hairstyle has to go. In fact, all of Donald Trump has to go. Odious man.

In what ways are you trying to reduce your use of water during this severe drought?

Shower. Flush only when necessary.

World peace seems so elusive; so what would you propose doing to make it a reality?

Stop the superpower­s from dropping bombs. Stop Islamophob­ia.

What are your sincere wishes and hopes for our nation in 2016?

A government that listens to the people.

Actor, director and satirist

If you could change one characteri­stic or habit of a politician in 2016, what would it be?

I would change Zuma’s habit of being a president to a habit of being a prisoner.

# Zumamustfa­ll_ andfall_ andfall_andsplat!

In what ways are you trying to reduce your use of water during this severe drought?

I’ve decided not to bath or shower again. I’m also drinking my whisky neat and am trading my two border collies in for Camels.

World peace seems so elusive; so what would you propose doing to make it a reality?

We need more Miss Universes, Miss Worlds and Miss South Africas making more moving speeches about Syrianled attacks by Jihadist Republican­s in Somalia. Also, if they could mention global warming, I could get my collies back.

What are your sincere wishes and hopes for our nation in 2016?

I would love to see our growing middle class continue to rise up against bad governance as it has done over the past few weeks. I would like to see the Proteas return to form under Hashim (Amla) and a change in the laager mentality of the Boks. I would like to see the rand at 12 to $1 by year-end, a resolution of the power crisis that doesn’t cost us R1 trillion and more nudity in general.

give more to those in need.

In what ways are you trying to reduce your use of water during this severe drought?

Well, for guys its a nobrainer. Go and pee in the bushes.

World peace seems so elusive; so what would you propose doing to make it a reality?

Love your neighbour as yourself, irrespecti­ve of colour, creed or religion. If everyone tried to adapt that in a small way every day, there would be no wars.

What are your sincere wishes and hopes for our nation in 2016?

Love, peace, understand­ing, caring for the poor, less for oneself and more hands-on governance to ensure a better life for all.


If you could change one characteri­stic or habit of a politician in 2016, what would it be?

The obscene, gratuitous, wanton display of nouveauric­he bling wealth. Is such opulent over-indulgence really necessary? I truly hate it and wish politician­s would not be so selfservin­g and greedy and rather share their abundance with those whose who need it.

In what ways are you trying to reduce your use of water during this severe drought?

Shorter showers, no unnecessar­y running of water and reuse grey water where possible: I decant my bath water to water my garden.

World peace seems so elu-

sive; so what would you propose doing to make it a reality?

There is so much that can be done – if everyone were to exercise empathy and compassion and consciousl­y try to look beyond difference­s to find commonalit­y, that would be a start.

Stop using words which imply that a fellow human being is “other”; so don’t refer to a person by their race, religion, gender and sexual orientatio­n; and chant the mantra “first be kind” often. And mean it.

What are your sincere wishes and hopes for our nation in 2016?

Of course I join in the call for our leaders to lead with integrity, honesty, intelligen­ce and care. I wish that my fellow South Africans would exercise tolerance, empathy and mind- fulness. I’d like service delivery to be accelerate­d; for crime to diminish and for the drought to break.

And of course for everyone to support more theatre, galleries, concerts and events.

There are so many wonderful things to see and do in KZN – I wish more people would venture off their couches, away from their devices and engage with the myriad possibilit­ies on offer.

Director: Denis Hurley Centre

If you could change one characteri­stic or habit of a politician in 2016, what would it be?

Unearned excess. All politician­s, from the president down, should downgrade their expenses to better reflect the people they represent – they should use small cars with no blue lights, budget flights or coaches, and public schools, public transport, RDP housing and public hospitals. Then let’s see how the services improve.

In what way are you trying to reduce your use of water during this severe drought?

I am reluctant to admit this but at home I only flush the toilet when it is absolutely necessary, a habit acquired during UK droughts. We used to have a slogan: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.”

World peace seems so elusive; so what would you propose doing to make it a reality?

Simple first step – ask everyone in the world to find someone near them whom they fear and have them sit down and share a meal with them.

What are your sincere wishes and hopes for our nation in 2016?

Honest elections in which politician­s tell the truth, bad politician­s are voted out of office and people express their anger and frustratio­n by getting rid of politician­s who have failed to deliver. That is real democracy!

Finance MEC

If you could change one characteri­stic or habit of a politician in 2016, what would it be?

Not a politician, but the political media landscape. Instead of always searching for the bad, there are some If you could change one characteri­stic or habit of a politician in 2016, what would it be?

It would probably be their conscience­s. I would ask them to grow one or get one for the sake of the millions of starving and homeless people that we are surrounded with every day while money is abused for selfpreser­vation. This is something I feel strongly about.

In what way are you trying to reduce your use of water during this severe drought?

I take a very short shower and the sprinklers are used once a week as opposed to every day.

World peace seems so elusive; so what would you propose doing to make it a reality?

World peace starts within yourself; once you reach a state of mind that is itself peaceful and blissful internally, then the world will appear so outwardly. Can you imagine if we all felt this way? We would have true world peace.

What are your sincere wishes and hopes for our nation in 2016?

I pray that we have deserving people lead us into 2016. I pray that we make sure we do more as individual­s for the less fortunate, as everyone can make a difference.

The smallest actions can have a lasting impact and melt even the heart of God if done sincerely and with no expectatio­ns.

 ??  ?? Ben Voss wants to see more nudity and an end to the power crisis next year.
Ben Voss wants to see more nudity and an end to the power crisis next year.
 ??  ?? Belinda Scott wants more tolerance.
Actress and businesswo­man
Belinda Scott wants more tolerance. Actress and businesswo­man
 ??  ?? Raymond Perrier wants honest elections.
Raymond Perrier wants honest elections.
 ??  ?? Nibs van der Spuy wants hands-on governance.
Nibs van der Spuy wants hands-on governance.
 ??  ?? Sorisha Naidoo wants deserving leaders.
Sorisha Naidoo wants deserving leaders.

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