Sunday Tribune

If you’ve got it, don’t flaunt it

Save our country from Zuma


THE Mpisanes are not in the limelight anymore. Once they loved to throw extravagan­t parties to show off their wealth.

Perhaps they had a rethink after run-ins with the law and decided it was wiser to be in the dark. Flashing their wealth attracted the unwanted attention of the Hawks and the taxman who swooped on the bling couple in the early hours of the morning in 2011 and charged businesswo­man Shauwn Mpisane with tax fraud involving R4.7 million.

But Shauwn Mpisane eluded justice. Her defence argued that the prosecutor in the case, advocate Meera Naidu, had withheld informatio­n to mislead the court. The case against Shauwn Mpisane was thrown out.

But Naidu denied any wrong-doing. After a threeyear battle to clear her name, she eventually succeeded when a disciplina­ry tribunal under advocate Justice Mnisi found that there was no evidence of any prosecutor­ial misconduct against her, casting serious doubt on the outcome of the case against Mpisane.

The Mpisanes have always been a controvers­ial couple, known to operate under the radar. They are well connected to the ANC and have amassed a fortune in a relatively short time with multi- million rand municipal housing contracts. Only last year Shauwn Mpisane was awarded another contract worth R405 million under the controvers­ial Section 36 of the Municipal Finance Management Act.

What happens to Shauwn Mpisane now? Will the NPA re-institute the charges?

Meera Naidu has been vindicated. Will Shauwn Mpisane be prosecuted again or will she celebrate once more as she did in 2013? T MARKANDAN

Silverglen AS THE troubled year comes to an end, the prayers and wishes of all the citizens of our beautiful country can only to make next year better, safer, better ruled, better served, and happier.

Allow me to direct this dire plea to the many real talented and blessed ANC leaders.

When we cast our collective South African minds on that historic day when Tata Nelson Mandela strode out of prison, today, we imagine it was only a dream.

He walked like a liberation king and had this message for us: “South Africa, we are free, we are a national democracy. We are all equal in the eyes of God.”

I now direct my sincere and heartfelt plea to all our real leaders.

We beg you to get up from your cushy seats and stand up straight, look firmly ahead and with unadultera­ted determinat­ion commence to save our country.

Save? You ask. Yes, open your eyes and you will see that South Africa is calling out for saving before we slip into the status of a banana republic.

You can only save our country if you, defeat all those who are liars, those who are corrupt, those who practice cadreism or nepotism and all those who love to have their hands in the cookie jar.

In short dear ANC leaders you know that South Africa is blessed with highly capable and upright politician­s, legal luminaries, health profession­als, business leaders, etc.

Indeed in all facets human endeavour. All these people, we must remember, come from within our diverse population groups collective­ly called South Africans.

Those who know how to do the job must be called to serve.

Nelson Mandela told all South Africans to throw our knives, sticks, knobkierie­s, spears, pangas, guns, and other weapons into the sea for the sake of peace and democracy in our country.

I challenge, no, beg and plead with the ANC leaders to save our beloved country by giving President Jacob Zuma his parting gift and allow him to ride away into the sun set.

Merry Christmas to all and a better New Year.

R MUNISAMY Isipingo Hills

 ??  ?? Our letter writer wants to know what is going to happen to the case against S’bu Mpisane’s wife, Shauwn, now that the prosecutor has been cleared.
Our letter writer wants to know what is going to happen to the case against S’bu Mpisane’s wife, Shauwn, now that the prosecutor has been cleared.

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