Sunday Tribune

We must value others equally


THE consequenc­es of that historic autumn day in 1994 meant that we became subservien­t to a constituti­on that guaranteed universal adult suffrage to every citizen of South Africa.

It also wrested the exclusivit­y of such suffrage from a select minority who abused that right at the expense of the masses.

The Facebook posting of former estate agent Penny Sparrow is yet another example of the closet racists who, in unguarded moments of madness, reflect their inner sentiments that remain cemented in the past.

Needless to say, there are many “Sparrows” among us who veil their racist tendencies with masks.

We can ill-afford the racist tendencies of those who continue to believe in the false superiorit­y they once enjoyed.

While there may be an element of truth in any stereotypi­ng to a degree, a generalisa­tion succumbs to the notion that everyone is tarred with the same brush. That is patently wrong, unfair and unjust.

Racists rear their ugly heads in the most hideous fashion and my cynicism against those who harbour such tendencies is rooted in the way that I was brought up.

It is painful and distastefu­l to witness these events of racism two decades into our democracy and if we are to renew our belief of a “rainbow nation”, then a radical shift in mindset needs to occur.

The future demands that the beacon of all our aspiration­s must be rooted in the belief that we are all equal whatever our failings may be and calling people of a particular race group “monkeys” as Sparrow did, is a despicable act of crass racism.

An apology after the fact does not diminish the taint already cast.

I urge every citizen of this country, despite how we perceive one another, to shed such perception­s and embrace each other as human beings of value.

There is no greater sin than to view another as someone of a “lesser god” and to relegate them as lesser beings.

Racists, of any hue, must be condemned and not be allowed to inflict their nefarious beliefs upon a country that begs unity and cohesion more so now than ever before.


Durban North

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