Sunday Tribune

Lord Krishna guides us so that we can make the right decisions


JANMASHTAM­I is the birthday of Lord Krishna, which is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the world.

This year it will be celebrated on August 25. Krishna’s birth occurred at midnight on the eighth day (ashtmi) of the Krishna paksha (dark fortnight) of the month of Bhadrapad (between August and September) in the Hindu calendar.

Lord Krishna was born in Mathura more than 5 000 years ago in the Dwapara Yug.

Astrologic­ally, it occurs when the moon is in transit in the “Rohini Star” and in the Taurus zodiac sign the moon is exalted and strongest here.

According to Hinduism, some nights are ideal for directly tapping divine cosmic energy. Janmashtam­i is one of the Maharatri’s (extremely powerful nights) and doing Japa, worshippin­g God (in any form) is beneficial beyond measure.

Scriptures indicate the other Maharatris on which to perform spiritual practices are ShivRatri, Holi, Diwali, Hanuman Jayanti, Sharad-Purnima and Navratri. Astrologic­al recommenda­tions:

The main custom is to fast on this day.

• Devotees undertake a strict fast that includes not drinking water or eating anything until midnight .After doing arthi, they break their fast with fruit, sweets and water but no grain or salt.

• Most people keep a grainless and saltless fast and have only fruit, salad, milk and water. This is recommende­d astrologic­ally, ayurvedica­lly and spirituall­y.

For Janmashtam­i in particular people stick to the fast and break it after midnight, first doing arthi and offering a sweet meal to Lord Krishna.

Most consume grain and salt only the next day.

• It is good to offer any sweet dish made of milk to the deity.

• If possible, offer Mishri (Indian sugar candy).

• Offer Tulsi leaves to the deity as these are considered pious and dear to Lord Krishna.

• Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya“at least 108 times.

• If you can’t get to a temple at midnight, do arthi and ring the bell at home.

• Recite one of the most powerful mantras of this age, the “Hare Krishna Maha Mantra”: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. (It contains 16 syllables).

The benefits of this mantra are countless. Chanted with devotion, it will uplift you spirituall­y and negate the negativity in your life.

It is believed Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was an incarnatio­n of Lord Krishna and would chant this mantra day and night.

One day while travelling and chanting, hearing him, wild animals in a forest were drawn to him and turned peaceful. They did not harm him or each other.

Chanting this mantra mentally twice before you start eating makes it easier to digest and sates your appetite.

There are 32 teeth in our mouth. Chanting this 16-syllable mantra twice makes 32, so this practice maximises nutritiona­l benefits.

• Ensure you read at least a few pages of the Bhagavad Gita on this day. It is known to build mind power, improve karma and increase bhakti.

• The worship of Krishna is believed to help with childbeari­ng.

• Lord Krishna guides us to opportunit­ies and leaves it to us to make the right choices.

• Do more bhajans, kirtans, meditation, chanting, visiting of temples and reciting the 108 names of Lord Krishna.

• Whatever your faith, worship of the Almighty will have great benefits on this auspicious day because of the moon’s intensity. Fasting on Janmashtam­i yields rewards a thousandfo­ld.

• If you’re battling to find a saintly guru, pray to Lord Krishna because He is considered Jagatguru, the teacher of teachers, guru of gurus – “Krishnam Vande Jagadguru”.

No guru is his equal. You will absorb knowledge through bhakti.

You can gain prosperity, power and peace on this night and in this way redefine your destiny.

May all be Blessed by Lord Krishna. Jay Shree Krishna. Readers can send their name and surname, religion, date, place and time of birth and the advice they require to: Mahesh Bang, Tribune Herald, PO Box 47549, Greyville, 4023, or e-mail tribuneher­ or call him at: 083 659 2277 or 031 401 8888.

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