Sunday Tribune

Cuban rebel Castro, 90, dies


FIDEL Castro, Cuba’s revolution­ary leader, died at 10.24pm on Friday, at the age of 90 and condolence­s have poured in from around the globe.

Cuba’s Ambassador to South Africa, Carlos Fernandez de Cossio paid tribute to his leader saying, “He lives and dies undefeated.”

Under the leadership of Fidel and his brother Raul, the impoverish­ed nation of Cuba has withstood 56 years of US economic embargo.

President Jacob Zuma expressed his condolence­s to the Cuban people saying, “Castro led the Cuban revolution and dedicated his entire life not only to the freedom of the Cuban people and the right of the Cuban state to sovereignt­y and self-determinat­ion, but also the freedom of other oppressed people around the world.”

At the ANC’s National Executive Committee meeting yesterday, members were emotional at the passing of one of the ANC’s staunchest allies.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa told Independen­t Media that Castro could be put in the same realm as Mandela, and that Cuba had lost its own Mandela.

“Fidel’s death is a great loss. I met him in 1999 and his energy was amazing. His passing is a great loss for progressiv­e formations and the ANC alliance. We will forever be grateful for his selfless support to revolution­s around the world,” Ramaphosa said.

Speaking from the NEC meeting in Kempton Park yesterday, ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe told Independen­t Media, “We appreciate the contributi­on of Comrade Fidel Castro to the liberation of southern Africa. The presence of his Cuban soldiers to liberation was critical, and we appreciate his revolution­ary solidarity.”

Cosatu President Sidumo Dlamini said that workers of the world and South Africa in particular would always cherish the father of the Cuban revolution.

“Not only did Castro unite the working class, but he fought imperialis­t domination around the world. But… the world mustn’t be fooled as the economic embargo against Cuba is still standing.”

Blade Nzimande, General Secretary of the SACP, said Castro was one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century. “What was amazing about him was his solidarity with the oppressed and the poor, with no expectatio­ns of what Cuba would get out of it. He supported our struggle unconditio­nally. One day he said to me that, unlike others who went to wage wars in Africa, Cuba went to defend a just struggle – bringing back not gold and diamonds, but only the body bags of their fighters.”

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