Sunday Tribune

A journey worth exploring

The River is brimming with the potential to be a really great telenovela – if it wants to, writes Buhle Mbonambi


HERE are always a few things I look for before I watch a TV series: classifica­tion, cast and writers.

Only then do I decide how high my expectatio­ns should be and whether to judge the show harshly or to be kind.

How I judge a show depends mainly on how much time I spend watching it. If I have to search for more informatio­n about a show, I love it. If I have to be really bored out of my skull to watch a show, then I obviously hate it.

There’s no middle ground. Not in this age of peak TV.

It was with this mindset that I approached 1 Magic’s new telenovela, The River, which stars Sindi Dlathu, Hlomla Dandala, Moshidi Motshegwa and Don


It’s created by Phathu Makwarela and Gwydion Beynon of Tshedza Pictures, coproduced by Connie and Shona Ferguson, and directed by Johnny Barbuzano.

I had high expectatio­ns, mainly because these five have created some riveting TV.

Adding the under-appreciate­d Dlathu, Motshegwa and Mlangeni to the mix had me intrigued.

The opening scene had me on the edge of my seat, either in anticipati­on of drama or a feeling of dread.

A death in the first few minutes of a show can always go haywire and no one wants that. Jumping the shark is normally left for the second season of a TV show.

But it turns out it was a necessary storytelli­ng device that will be explained in the flashback. Oh, and there are three deaths in the first episode, including a suicide. Pretty wild.

The River tells the story of a mining magnate, Lindiwe (Dlathu) whose mine is seemingly out of minerals to mine. Facing financial ruin, she has to do unspeakabl­e things to maintain the façade that the mine is doing well.

Needless to say, most of her family members are unaware of the crisis and she has only her nephew, Zolani, (a stern, almost too serious Lawrence Maleka) as her confidante.

He knows the real Lindiwe and the lengths to which she will go to protect her wealth, lengths that saw her murder two people in cold blood in the first episode.

The juxtaposit­ion of the haves and have-nots is typical South African and shows the intersecti­on of the two societies and where they all meet – at work.

There are interestin­g themes at play here already and, while not new, they could result in some emotional scenes that would bring out some great acting from the cast.

The River has potential to be a great show. There are three major plot points that the show is likely to explore and with the viewer knowing more than the characters, it’s interestin­g how we will get to the moment that opened the show – a cold-blooded murder.

TThere’s also the back story of a baby abandoned by a young Lindiwe by the river (hence the title), the diamond found on the bed of the river and the man who found the baby by the river.

All of this is obviously linked and it’s up to the writers and the producers to make sure the story is not predictabl­e.

It’s interestin­g to see Dlathu cast in a role where she’s a villain. After two decades as the long-suffering Thandaza Buthelezi-mukhwevomo­koena on SABC 2’s Muvhango, The River presents an opportunit­y for her to prove her mettle as an actor.

It’s a meaty role, one that should do for her what Rockville and The Queen did for Connie Ferguson.

That’s the thing about soapies – playing one character for a long time can do a lot of damage to a person’s acting skills. I’m especially looking forward to seeing what she does with the role.

Dandala plays her husband, a sex-mad kept man who is a typical nouveau riche person with delusions of grandeur. He seems to have government contacts, which could be interestin­g later on in the show.

Motshegwa plays Mlangeni’s wife and I’m excited to see her back on TV. She’s truly one of the best actors we have in the country.

It’s a high-gloss production, one that boasts beautiful cinematogr­aphy (those aerial shots of the flowing river were amazing) and an expensive wardrobe (Maxhosa by Laduma skirt, Zara two-piece pyjama suit and Christian Louboutin shoes).

It has to be that way because the show is on a premium channel which also airs The Fixer, How To Get Away With Murder and Queen Sugar, shows that feature strong women characters.

It’s also a chance for Tshedza Pictures to prove that they have what it takes to produce groundbrea­king television that can stand up there with the best in the world.

Makwarela and Beynon have become South Africa’s celebrity TV writers and the pressure is on for them to deliver.

The River is not perfect and I do wish that it was a weekly drama instead of a daily telenovela; however, it’s still a show that I plan to watch until it ends – but only if they make sure I go back and find out more about the show when I’m done watching an episode.

Catch The River on 1 Magic (Dstv 103), weekdays at 8pm.

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The cast of telenovela ‘The River’.
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