Sunday Tribune

Interestin­g bit for the lay reader is near the end


WHILE Tim Noakes’s first book, Lore of Running, is described as covering “everything runners, trainers and coaches need to know about running”, Lore of Nutrition is less about nutrition and more about Noakes’s “trial” by the Health Profession­s Council of South Africa.

Of the 365 pages – excluding a foreword, two prefaces, a closing chapter, bibliograp­hy, notes and an index – 304 deal with Noakes and the controvers­y he engendered with the introducti­on of the Banting diet in The Real Meal Revolution, and just 58 pages with the science of the mode of nutrition he advocates.

And they come virtually at the end of the book. There’s a lot of argument and justificat­ion – and some awful medical acronyms – to get through until you come to the beef fat, as it were.

Famously, Noakes was last year acquitted of the misconduct charges brought against him by the council, but it is as if he’s not sure everyone noticed, and has penned this book, with contributi­ons from health journalist Marika Sboros, who covered the hearing, to make sure we know how it turned out.

Which is fine; if this is what he wants to say and Penguin is prepared to publish it. But don’t expect this hefty tome to tell you everything you might like to know about the lore of nutrition, or even of the low-carbohydra­te, high-fat mode of eating.

Noakes, emeritus professor of sport science at the University of Cape Town and a medical doctor, is rated as an A1 scientist by the National Research Foundation. He is a controvers­ial figure and some have labelled him arrogant, but in all fairness he has a lot to be arrogant about.

He has run more than 70 marathons and ultra-marathons, and in the years leading up to 2012 had become convinced that convention­al medical thinking on how much liquid marathon runners should drink was wrong. Most doctors believed runners should drink as much as possible, even if they weren’t thirsty; Noakes came to the conclusion runners were more likely to be dangerousl­y waterlogge­d than short of liquid.

This is when he fell foul of Pepsico, makers of the sports drink Gatorade. This led, he writes, to many of his sports science colleagues, “especially those funded by Pesico” to publicly question his intelligen­ce.

He has since been proved right on this hypothesis.

In December 2012 he was finishing his manuscript on this topic – Waterlogge­d – the serious problem of overhydrat­ion in endurance sports.

Aged about 62, and finding his own running training to be increasing­ly difficult, he came across a book called The New Atkins for a New You by three respected American doctors.

It said readers could lose six kilograms in six weeks without hunger. This went against all Noakes had been taught, and against the high-carb, low-fat diet he recommende­d in Lore of Running. But what if the American doctors were right? He decided to give the diet a go.

“Despite my advanced age, within weeks I saw an improvemen­t in my health, well-being and running ability that I can still only describe as astonishin­g,” he writes. He also lost 2kg, without feeling hungry. It was his Damascene moment.

He read up on the evidence, and was soon convinced of the efficacy of the low-carb, high-fat diet. He told people to tear up the dietary advice section in Lore of Running, later publishing a new edition promoting the new diet. The rest is history.

Again his colleagues questioned his theory, but when in 2014 he tweeted advice to a breast-feeding mother that when the time came she should wean her infant on to a low-carb, highfat diet, all hell broke loose, culminatin­g in his hearing.

Much of the book is self-justifying, and if you want the detail of the “he said, she said” it’s all exhaustive­ly here. One great paragraph written by Sboros goes: “Of course Noakes and I are not insinuatin­g that all those who helped the HPCSA are mad, bad people on the payroll or in the thrall of food and drug companies. Many are decent enough, even as they may be ignorant, fearful and suffering prolonged bouts of cognitive dissonance.”

Naturally in the recounting of the evidence in the hearing there was a fair bit of reference to the nitty-gritty of the lowcarb, high-fat diet, but I was looking forward to the science section at the end.

And that is truly interestin­g and convincing to this lay reader.

Essentiall­y, scientists like Noakes who advocate this diet believe that billions of people the world over suffer from a condition called insulin resistance caused by a high-carb, lowfat diet, which was first recommende­d in the US’S 1977 Dietary Guidelines.

Insulin resistance, writes Noakes, is “now certainly the most prevalent medical condition in the world, yet is not taught or discussed in most medical schools”.

He and colleagues believe this has led to an epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. As a result, patients are treated for a range of symptoms, such as insulin for diabetes and pills for high blood pressure, when their various conditions could improve by tackling the underlying cause: insulin resistance.

Earlier this month the medical journal Diabetes Therapy published a peer-reviewed scientific paper reporting the findings from the first year of a two-year study of the management of type 2 diabetes by the Virta Health company in San Francisco.

In a Cape Town newspaper report on the study published on February 14, Noakes says 218 diabetic patients went on a diet in which carbohydra­tes were restricted to less than 30g a day. A control group of 87 diabetic patients continued with a highcarb diet. The result was that 94% of patients on the low-carb diet had either reduced their insulin use or stopped it by the end of the first year. They also had an average 14kg weight loss and improved blood pressure.

By contrast, medication use increased by 9% in the group receiving convention­al care.

Noakes writes that this shows diabetes is not, as is believed, “a chronic progressiv­e disease with a dismal future. Instead it can be effectivel­y managed with a simple dietary change”.

It is hard for lay readers like you and me to know which of the doctors and scientists are right, and by the time the jury is in we might all be dead. But the case made by Noakes and other scientists who advocate the lowcarb, high-fat diet is convincing.

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