Sunday Tribune

Race politics in student funding


A TOPIC trending on social media and Whatsapp groups and around tables in the Indian community is that it appears non-african students are simply being ignored by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for funding, even though they qualify.

It is too widespread to involve isolated cases or to be dismissed as playing a race card.

There appears to be a bigoted agenda at the NFSAS to deny nonafrican (Indians and coloureds) the funding to which they are entitled and I believe that the public protector should investigat­e the matter.

The NFSAS should be made to answer and should be investigat­ed for racism. Perhaps this needs to be taken up by forums such as Section 21 and even Afriforum.

The role of the NSFAS is to make sure qualifying students get access to higher education, not to play race politics. SAIF SOOFIE Sherwood

Don’t tarnish Indian image

WITH Jacob Zuma gone, I wonder what my fellow Indians who fraternise­d with him at the race course, birthday parties and certain hotels in the city will do now to ensure they get their clutches in the new administra­tion to continue with tenderpren­eurship in roads, telecoms, electricit­y and other fields as they did for 10 years with Zuma and followers like Sihle Zikalala and company.

Along with the Guptas, they smeared the entire Indian community with the brush of greed and exploitati­on of the impoverish­ed poor majority.

And do they care about the long-term impact that this will have on the Indian community or are they just interested in filling their pockets with the new administra­tion?

These Indian “businessme­n” reaped the benefits of their connection­s and built multimilli­on-rand empires with interests ranging from minerals to the media.

Scandals not only tore apart the rainbow nation, but had major repercussi­ons for global business.

Many Indians played a role in the anti-apartheid struggle and some held positions of power in post-apartheid South Africa.

We should not allow our image to be tainted as it will come back to bite the entire Indian community, especially the poorer classes. HIRESH RAMTHOL


Global Israeli boycott needed

AT THE core of the tragedy in the Middle East is Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. That Israel is able to continue the occupation, bomb and kill indiscrimi­nately without restraint, points to the internatio­nal community’s inability to maintain peace and justice.

Conditions for Palestinia­ns under Israeli apartheid are considered worse than for nonwhites under South African apartheid. In the Gaza Strip, Palestinia­ns suffer under an

Israeli blockade that constitute­s illegal collective punishment.

Yet there does not appear to be the same outcry from the DA against Israeli apartheid.

In solidarity with the Palestinia­ns and Israelis opposed to war, South Africans should call on political parties to be part of a global boycott against Israel. The DA should call on Israel to halt settlement building, boost efforts to address racism against Africans and stop the detention of children. YUSUF BHAYLA Pietermari­tzburg

 ?? PICTURE: AYANDA NDAMANE/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY/ANA ?? Black First Land First protesting before Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba’s Budget in Parliament, Cape Town.
PICTURE: AYANDA NDAMANE/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY/ANA Black First Land First protesting before Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba’s Budget in Parliament, Cape Town.

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