Sunday Tribune

Plan meals to keep weight off

Portion-size control is imperative, along with daily exercise, to maintain a healthy lifestyle


WHETHER you like it or not, healthy eating is one of the latest trends as more people become health-conscious.

Despite the willingnes­s to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the reality is that willpower often fails many and they remain stuck in their old unhealthy habits.

Even nutritioni­sts agree that changing old habits can be difficult, but it’s doable.

Louii Engelbrech­t, a health coach and dietitian, says to make an easy transition to a more healthy and clean eating plan, you should start with portion-size control and meal planning.

“It’s unplanned events and impulse purchases that make people fail to stick to their diet plans. Planning five days of eating, including consumptio­n of veggies, can result in you being healthy for five days.

“When doing so, keep portion control in mind,” says Engelbrech­t.

Healthy eating is topical across the globe this week as April 7 marked World Health Day, declared by the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) to draw attention to the importance of global health. This year’s theme is “Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere”.

What are some of the bad habits that people can eliminate to kick-start clean eating?

Engelbrech­t says coffee is a major no-no. “It’s a health risk that people need to do away with, especially those who tend to replace breakfast with it.

“Dieting or a healthy lifestyle should not be a punishment, it should actually be fun.

“There are so many options readily available that one can do to make healthy meals. One of the best ways is to go organic… the fresher, the better,” says Engelbrech­t.

Although we are told about the benefits of getting our five fruit and veg a day, some new research suggests that, in some circumstan­ces, certain fruit and vegetables may actually be bad for our health.

In an article in the Daily Mail, Dr Mark Vanderpump, a consultant endocrinol­ogist at The Physicians Clinic in London, was quoted as saying grapefruit juice, for example, could interfere with statins – increasing the risk of side-effects.

“Raw cabbage, along with cauliflowe­r and kale, contains goitrogens – substances that can affect thyroid function by blocking the production of the hormone thyroxine,” he said.

People who are sensitive to latex can also have an allergic reaction to avocado. Latex comes from the sap of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliens­is. A study of 137 patients with rubber latex allergy, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Associatio­n, found that 21% are also allergic to particular foods, including banana (18.3%) and avocado (16.3%).

This is because some of the proteins in latex that cause allergic reactions are also present in these fruits.

The same cross-reactivity can happen with kiwi fruit, says Professor Jean Emberlin, the scientific director of Allergy UK.

“The proteins are very similar in the latex and the fruit, so they can trigger similar reactions,” said Emberlin.

Letshego Zulu, South African fitness fanatic and health advocate, says there are many ways to keep our bodies healthy. Top of her list is drinking lots of water. This, she says, has a long list of benefits but for her specifical­ly it keeps her skin hydrated and it helps with detoxing.

Second, she says, a healthy, filling breakfast is very important. “Many people underestim­ate the importance of breakfast. The reason behind it is that it simply breaks the fast from last night’s dinner and it helps to kick-start your metabolism,” says Zulu.

For a healthy skin, she recommends a good sunscreen with a high SPF level. “We spend most of our time in the great outdoors. Your face specifical­ly is your reception on a daily basis. Take care of your skin by applying sunscreen daily.”

To keep fit, she recommends burpees – a physical exercise consisting of a squat thrust made from and ending in a standing position.

“Many people don’t realise the benefits of even just 10 minutes of functional training versus basic cardio. Functional training burns calories, tones and strengthen­s your body in a shorter period than other forms of exercise,” says Zulu.

 ??  ?? The team working with Chaeli on the #Betchaelic­ant campaign to ensure that she has what it takes for the gruelling horse challenge.with her is Sarah Manning, Jessica Manning and Georgia Biet. Chaeli is hoping to raise funds to finance an early childhood developmen­t centre for disabled children.
The team working with Chaeli on the #Betchaelic­ant campaign to ensure that she has what it takes for the gruelling horse challenge.with her is Sarah Manning, Jessica Manning and Georgia Biet. Chaeli is hoping to raise funds to finance an early childhood developmen­t centre for disabled children.

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