Sunday Tribune

Muslims getting a bad rap


I BURIED my face in my hands when I read about the killing at the Verulam mosque. I averted my eyes when I went out that day, to avoid locking eyes with anyone who might be wondering whether I had a bomb hidden beneath my burka.

The truth is, if I were to cock a gun I would probably end up shooting myself in the process.

While we live with daily incidents of hijackings, murders, robberies and rape, we reserve the word “terrorism” for acts of violence committed by Muslims.

It is sad that the global community has bought into the media-created perception that while not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslim.

The teenager who opens fire on university students and lecturers is a misfit, a dysfunctio­nal member of society – unless he has a Muslim name.

If we were to believe Monessa Shapiro, 50 of the 62 Palestinia­ns killed in one of the recent protests were Hamas “terrorists” while Israeli “forces” had no choice but to defend themselves.

If any person with a Muslim name were to commit an act of terror, then he must be linked to al-qaeda of yesteryear or the present-day Islamic State, which has complicate­d worldwide networks that can operate even from a remote cave in the Tora Bora mountains.

All because radical Muslims want to rule the world. But how they plan to do that when the majority of their victims are also Muslim is anyone’s guess.

Muslim perpetrato­rs are called terrorists. Muslim victims are called human shields or, more convenient­ly, collateral damage.

Pardon me, just who are the real terrorists?

Z BASSA Asherville

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