Sunday Tribune


Appointmen­t of Bosasa liquidator­s under scrutiny, moving of files from Joburg to Pretoria questioned


ACTING Chief Master of the High Court of South Africa, Theresia Bezuidenho­ut, has been placed at the centre of the controvers­ial appointmen­t of the Bosasa liquidator­s, described as illegal by her learned colleagues.

Bezuidenho­ut’s educationa­l qualificat­ions and fitness to hold office also came under heavy scrutiny after Cloete Murray and Ralph Lutchman were appointed Bosasa liquidator­s in February, a month before the company, now known as African Global Operations, successful­ly overturned its own voluntary liquidatio­n in the South Gauteng High Court in Joburg. The corruption-accused company claimed it entered into liquidatio­n in an error of judgment, forcing Murray to appeal in the Supreme Court of Appeal.

Sources this week said that Bezuidenho­ut was involved in the appointmen­t of Bosasa liquidator­s in violation of sections of the Companies Act.

One said Bezuidenho­ut, who is based at the Pretoria office of the Master of the High Court, had no jurisdicti­on over the Bosasa matter.

“She took the files from the Joburg office of the Master of the High Court to Pretoria and that’s wrong,” the senior official said.

Bezuidenho­ut has however denied the allegation­s, insisting that all Masters Offices fell within her supervisio­n and control.

“The allegation that I have no control over the Joburg office is thus wrong.

“It is my duty to ensure that all matters are dealt with correctly and within the ambit of the law.

“I thus have lawful jurisdicti­on over the office,” said Bezuidenho­ut.

She argued that the appointmen­t of the Bosasa liquidator, however, was done by the Joburg office.

Bezuidenho­ut stressed that she had two law degrees and had not been parachuted into any position as she had applied for the position through a lawful process.

“I have been vetted on various occasions as I have been in the public service for 26 years.”

She demanded proof of her alleged sequestrat­ion, stating:

“In any event this is not a disqualifi­cation or a requiremen­t requested when applying for a position in public service.”

However in an email between assistant masters from the Joburg office, the officials questioned why the Bosasa matter was transferre­d to Pretoria.

“I did not sign any certificat­e of appointmen­t (for the liquidator­s), I did not sit in any panel for appointmen­ts,” one email read.

“However, I noted that all the certificat­es of appointmen­ts were issued by the Master’s Pretoria office.”

Another remarked: “This is the first time I see something like this, Johannesbu­rg files done in Pretoria. Interestin­g!”

 ??  ?? FORMER Basasa chief operations officer Boss Angelo Agrizzi at the state capture commission last week.
| SIMPHIWE MBOKAZI African News Agency (ANA)
FORMER Basasa chief operations officer Boss Angelo Agrizzi at the state capture commission last week. | SIMPHIWE MBOKAZI African News Agency (ANA)

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