Sunday Tribune

Lessons from G5 Sahel force for Mozambique

- MAMAN SIDIKOU Ambassador Maman Sidikou is the executive secretary of the G5 Sahel. This article was first published in Accord's Covid-19 monitor.

THE Group of Five for the Sahel (G5 Sahel) was created in 2014 by the government­s of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger, as a platform to collective­ly address the developmen­t and security challenges confrontin­g them. When analysed, one casee similariti­es between Cabo Delgado’s growing challenges with violent extremism and the case of the Sahel.

Sustained and growing environmen­tal challenges combined with governance challenges, and eventually exacerbate­d by the Libyan crisis, allowed for the growth and exploitati­on of inter-communal conflicts by violent jihadist groups which has now created instabilit­y in the Sahel.

In response, the AU’S Peace and Security Council (PSC) authorised and mandated the deployment of the G5 Sahel Joint Force in 2017, as an ad hoc mechanism within the framework of the African Peace and Security Architectu­re (APSA). The joint force has undertaken 21 military operations in the eastern (Chad/niger), western (Mali/mauritania) and central (Burkina Faso/mali/niger) zones, resulting in relative stability for the thousands of civilians affected by the conflict.

As we watch yet another hitherto part of the continent, Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, slowly becoming destabilis­ed, one is compelled to attempt to draw lessons from our experience­s in the Sahel, so that the political actors at the national, regional (Southern African Developmen­t Community (SADC)) and continenta­l levels are better guided in their collective and co-ordinated response to the situation.

When carefully analysed, one can easily see similariti­es between Cabo Delgado’s growing challenges with violent extremism and the case of the Sahel where extremist groups are exploiting the poverty, underdevel­opment, unemployme­nt and poor basic social services to destabilis­e the region.

The similariti­es provide us with several lessons from the Sahel which must necessaril­y be applied in the response to the Cabo Delgado situation, which must not be viewed from a singular lens of violent jihadist extremism. And that is the very first, and perhaps most critical, lesson.

It is important to understand that, like the case of the Sahel, which was for many years primarily viewed through that prism, and thus security-centric approaches deployed in response, we have today, since the creation of the G5 Sahel in 2014, adopted a combined security-cum-developmen­t approach.

It is one in which developmen­t and security are not just theoretica­lly linked in our mandate but given practical measures on the ground, including in our partnershi­ps, especially in the Coalition for the Sahel, for example, where we are combining the fight against terrorism with reinforcin­g the capacity of national defence and security forces, the return of the state with basic social services and justice, and both short-term and long-term economic developmen­t.

It is, therefore, imperative that as soon as the Mozambican authoritie­s, with their neighbours in the SADC, are able to place a handle on the emergency of the most recent events in the area, that it considers a more holistic long-term response in line with the continenta­l peace and security architectu­re while taking cognisance of the continuing reforms in the AU.

It would only be proper that the response mechanism is authorised and effected on the ground by the Mozambique authoritie­s, the SADC and the AU, that it is pragmatic and adaptive to address the causative factors that have permitted the entry of violent jihadi elements in the situation. Any militarise­d efforts must be primarily to create an enabling environmen­t for the required political governance and civilian stabilisat­ion effort that should follow.

A second lesson draws from this, and that is the need to keep the military interventi­on determined­ly targeted, so that it does not last longer than required and then throw up challenges related to human rights and sustainabi­lity, especially in these times of limited resources. We have come to understand that the asymmetric nature of the fight against violent extremism may inevitably result in unintended consequenc­es, including a negative perception of our best intentions and efforts by the very citizens we seek to protect.

In addition to the widely acknowledg­ed training on human rights and internatio­nal humanitari­an law for soldiers in these theatres, we must also include appropriat­ely contextual­ised forms of follow-up mechanisms for incidents involving civilian casualties for justice and accountabi­lity.

The Mozambican authoritie­s and SADC must appreciate the critical importance of managing perception through an effective strategic communicat­ions programme, otherwise, wrong perception­s can be even more damaging and can drive people into the arms of the violent extremist forces.

Last, a most critical lesson which has to be considered remains at the strategic and political level, and this relates to the mandate that will guide the response to the Cabo Delgado situation. This is a most important factor, considerin­g that the situation could be considered an emerging one and one for which political actors at the highest levels can draw applicable lessons from elsewhere in the Sahel, in Somalia and Afghanista­n among others.

As indicated earlier, the violence is the exploitati­on of some structural fault lines for which a solely militarise­d response may never effectivel­y and sustainabl­y address.

Could this be a situation requiring a negotiated solution, including dialogue with the appropriat­e elements within the limits of applicable national, regional and continenta­l frameworks? It is important for the mandating authoritie­s to recognise the possibilit­y and viability for dialogue and negotiatio­ns and to include this in the mandate for any interventi­on mechanisms.

In summary, it is important to underline, from the onset, that the interventi­on must not be anchored on a primarily military solution which could be drawn out, expensive and unsustaina­ble. We must also be prepared to pursue a dual track security-cum-developmen­t mandate from the beginning by deploying, side-byside, the required and appropriat­e capabiliti­es rather than wait for the one to follow the other.

It is necessary to articulate a holistic and comprehens­ive mandate and mandated tasks that will address the drivers and grievances behind the conflict, so that whatever mechanism is deployed is appropriat­ely resourced to effectivel­y respond to the situation from the onset. This could also allow for a clear politicall­y-led, comprehens­ive strategic framework, behind which partners can align, and mechanisms to facilitate co-ordination and track progress can be developed.

 ?? DEVEREAUX MORKEL AFRICA EDITOR devbearseh­aiunxe..mthoarnkge­al@vealfori@cai ?? @devimorkel
DEVEREAUX MORKEL AFRICA EDITOR devbearseh­aiunxe..mthoarnkge­al@vealfori@cai @devimorkel
 ?? | ANA Archives ?? THE G5 Sahel Force is made up of five African countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.
| ANA Archives THE G5 Sahel Force is made up of five African countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.

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