Sunday Tribune

Community is shaken by PMB tavern killings


IT HAS been an emotional week for Pietermari­tzburg families whose loved ones were shot dead while out having a drink at Samukelisi­we Tavern in Sweetwater­s.

Last Saturday at about 8.30pm two men were said to have entered the tavern and randomly opened fire, injuring at least twelve people.

Two people died on the spot, while two more died in hospital.

People said the men were seen leaving the crime scene in a VW Polo, and on Tuesday, provincial commission­er of police Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi confirmed the arrest of two suspects.

Among the deceased were Nkosingiph­ile Nsele, Simphiwe Mthembu and Nkosinathi Zuma.

Nsele’s sister, Hlengiwe Thabede, said his two children would now have to live without their father, who was taking good care of them.

Thabede told the Sunday Tribune that Nsele was a regular at the tavern, which was a stone’s throw away from his home. Some weekends he would return early, but there were those when he would only return home in the early hours of the morning.

On the day of his death, he left home just before 8pm and not long thereafter, the family received a phone call informing them that Nsele was shot.

“When we were leaving to look for him at the tavern, we saw a few other people approachin­g our house to

inform us. We found him lying dead with a gunshot wound to the face, between the eyes,” she said.

“It saddens and pains us because he had gone there to enjoy himself.”

Thabede said hundreds flocked to the tavern shortly after the incident, and the police allegedly fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowds.

“People are scared, but there was once an incident of a random shooting of a male pedestrian by a VW Polo driver. People were scared back then and remained indoors, but after a while, things went back to normal.

“Maybe that’s how it will be again.”

Nsele’s mother wished to bury him today (Sunday) in Ladysmith, but financial constraint­s made it impossible. Simphiwe Mthembu was also shot dead.

His sister, Fisani, said her brother’s friends came to their home on Saturday night driving his company vehicle. They told her father Simphiwe was shot.

“They didn’t tell us he was dead, I suppose out of fear. We immediatel­y went to Edendale hospital, and when we got there, it was already Sunday morning, and they sent us straight to the mortuary,” she said. “We saw him.

“He was shot in the back of the head and several times on his body.”

Fisani said her brother’s friends took him to hospital.

“His death is hard to accept, but we will heal in time. Right now, the pain is


Nkosinathi Zuma, another victim, sustained one gunshot wound to the chest.

His uncle Elliot said, hours earlier, they attended a neighbour’s traditiona­l ceremony as a family.

“Later that night, Nkosinathi’s friends came to fetch him, and they went to the tavern. Out of all the friends he was with, he is the only one who sustained fatal wounds. When I heard that he was shot, I assumed he had minor injuries, maybe in his arm or leg, but we were told on Sunday morning he was dead.”

Zuma said his nephew, who was happy on the day of his death, loved to sing and dance. He was buried yesterday. Nkosinathi Kunene, ward 3 ANC chairperso­n, said the community was shaken by the incident, but urge everybody to be calm and not to harbour any ill feelings towards the owner of the establishm­ent.

“We are deeply saddened, and we decided to work with the families, the tavern owner, and businesses in the area to comfort the families of the deceased. We visited all families and found some not to be in good financial standing to bury their loved ones.

“As community leaders, we have assisted them so they will be able to lay their family members to rest.”

 ?? ?? SIMPHIWE Mthembu was shot in the back of the head and several times on the body.
SIMPHIWE Mthembu was shot in the back of the head and several times on the body.
 ?? ?? NKOSINATHI Zuma was the only one killed among the friends he was drinking with at the tavern.
NKOSINATHI Zuma was the only one killed among the friends he was drinking with at the tavern.
 ?? ?? NKOSINGIPH­ILE Nsele was shot in the face during the tavern attack.
NKOSINGIPH­ILE Nsele was shot in the face during the tavern attack.

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